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Get to know Surya Pethak which causes the Earth’s temperature to be colder

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (EIGHT) explain the phenomenon Surya Pethak which is thought to cause the Earth’s temperature to be colder.

according to Space Science Education, Surya Pethak is a white sun during the day from sunrise to sunset.

The possibility of cloud cover covering the Earth’s surface causes a decrease in solar activity, as happened in 1645-1715

The phenomenon, known as the Maunder Minimum, came from a solar astronomer, Edward Walter Maunder and his wife Annie Russell Maunder.

“This phenomenon occurred when the ice age was small or the average temperature for the European region was low for a long time, between 1550 and 1850,” Andi Pangerang wrote, as quoted from the Space Science Education site, Sunday (1/8).

“Nevertheless, there is insufficient evidence that this Maunder Minimum can cause a small ice age, moreover, the beginning of a small ice age is a hundred years earlier than the Maunder Minimum,” continued Andi.

Therefore, the relationship between the solar cycle and climate cooling is completely unrelated.

If there is a prolonged minimum of solar activity, so that Earth’s climate cools (which is neither proven nor proven), then cooling from a prolonged minimum of solar activity is unlikely to reduce human-caused warming in the long term.

“Finally, in the near future, the solar phenomenon of Pethak will not occur at least if it is associated with solar activity,” said Andi.

“However, this phenomenon can still be made possible by volcanic eruptions and changes in sea water circulation which until now are still difficult to predict by volcanologists and oceanographic scientists,” he added.

The cause of the emergence of solar pehak due to volcanic eruptions and changes in sea water circulation which can affect evaporation and cloud formation.

Literally, Andi explained that Surya “pethak” means the sun looks white. Surya “pethak” can also be interpreted as the nature of sunya ruri or the day is dim like night. The day referred to here is calculated from sunrise to sunset.

According to Andi, the sun’s rays are usually reddish at sunrise and sunset, while when the sun rises, the sun’s rays are not so hot because they are blocked by a kind of cloud.

The event can last a maximum of 7-40 days.

The effect of solar pehak can make the temperature of the Earth’s surface colder, so that plants cannot grow optimally and humans will easily shiver.

(din / bait)

[Gambas:Video CNN]

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