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Get to know gonorrhea, colds in genitals

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Cold not only occurs in the nose, but can also attack the genitals. Colds on genitals also known as medical terms Gonorrhea.

Gonorrhea is called a cold on the genitals because it has pus-like characteristics that are similar to snot when you have a cold.

Gonorrhea (GO) is a contagious infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae. This bacterium is transmitted from sexual relations with people who are already infected.

Changing partners increases the risk of bacterial growth Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

“Gonorrhea is like a cold, but not in the nostrils, but from the urinary tract. If left untreated increases the risk of infertility,” skin and genital specialist Anthony Handoko said in a virtual media briefing on Wednesday (5/8).

The latest data from WHO shows that there are 98 million new cases of gonorrhea in the world. Gonorrhea is the second most sexually transmitted infection in the world, after chlamydia. Gonorrhea generally occurs at productive ages 15-49 years also in people who are sexually active.

Gonorrhea Transmission

Gonorrhea is transmitted through sexual contact from human to human. Transmission can occur through genital or genital contact to the genitals, oro-genital or oral and genitals, as well as ano-genital or anus and genitals.

The bacteria that cause gonorrhea cannot last long in free, dry air, and temperatures above 39 degrees Celsius. This bacterium can only stick to the mucous membranes found in the oral cavity, urinary tract, and rectum.

“So, it is not possible from towels or bed linen. It is also impossible to stick to the skin,” said Anthony who is the CEO of Pramudia Clinic.

Incubation period Neisseria gonorrhoeae to cause symptoms generally last very briefly 2-5 days.

Photo: CNNIndonesia / Basith Subastian
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Gonorrhea Symptoms

After the incubation period, gonorrhea will begin to cause clinical symptoms. Clinical symptoms appear due to local infection.

In men, infections can occur in the sperm, prostate, rectal, and eating channels. While for women, infections occur in the cervix, Bartholini’s glands, rectal tract, food canal, fallopian tubes, and pelvic inflammation.

There are differences in symptoms in men and women because of anatomical namely the different length of the urinary tract. The symptoms of gonorrhea in men are generally more easily recognized than symptoms in women who tend to be asymptomatic.

In men, gonorrhea produces symptoms similar to colds, pus.

“In men the most obvious symptom is pus discharge, its shape is like white snot, so it’s called a runny nose,” Anthony said.

The following symptoms of gonorrhea in men

– Colds or greenish white pus from the penis

– Pain when urinating

– Red and swollen urinary holes

Gonorrhea in women does not cause symptoms or asymptomatic. However, it is characterized by pus in the mouth of the uterus. If left untreated can cause a number of serious problems.

Women do not have a complaint, so it is difficult to detect. Generally, it is known when the infection is severe or when the husband is taking medication and bringing his wife,” explained Anthony.


Gonorrhea that is not treated immediately can have implications for complications. The following complications arising from gonorrhea.

– Infertility or infertility

Gonorrhea infection damages the reproductive organs so that it can cause infertility. In men, gonorrhea interferes with sperm production. Whereas in women, gonorrhea disturbs the ovaries.

– Ectopic pregnancy

Gonorrhea that disrupts the ovaries can make a woman pregnant outside the womb or ectopic.

– In babies

Babies born to a mother infected with gonorrhea can develop conjunctival infections during labor and are exposed to pus or gonorrhea bacteria. This infection can cause blindness.

– systemic

Over a long period of time, untreated gonorrhea can expand causing heart infections, brain membranes, and damage to various organs.

Gonorrhea treatment

Gonorrhea can be cured with the right treatment. Treatment is done with dual therapy or two types of antibiotics. Antibiotics must be given and taken in the right dosage to prevent bacterial resistance and mutation.

Immediately consult a doctor to get the right treatment. Don’t be shy about getting a sexually transmitted infection because if left untreated it can pose a more dangerous risk.

“This disease can be cured, do not hesitate or be ashamed to see a doctor,” said Anthony.

(ptj / NMA)

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