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Get to know Americano, the new musical that arrives in New York and that you cannot miss | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

brutal belt.rafael: we also have totell them, one musical arrivesbig apple, it’s aboutAmerican, is the first workof theater that talks aboutdreamers, who inspired thewriters and producers towrite this musical? I will talkwith david adame who is hepresident of Chicanos for thecause on this topic.rafael: tremendous opportunity tothe story of one of theours and chicanos for thecause has taken care of this.Welcome.Thank you for the opportunity.rafael: tell us about this workthat could be the reflection ofeach one of us.is something very important, somethingthat I am very excited becauseit’s an opportunity to changethe narrative of ourmusical on the themedreamer who wanted to enter themilitary in the United States butdocumented, came with theirparents when I was twohope and dream forenter the military and do amain of the united states andwhen he went to the officeaffirm they told him where he isyour social security card, thereI hide it knows that it is notdocumented.but in chicanos for the causewhen we came it wasa work that we have a lotsuccess in phoenix, for those ofour fellowship in a waypositive, young peoplestudents, a guy like tommyvalery no that is an example,who wants to build this countrythat we have and it is something that ismore than that, it’s an opportunityfor actresses and actorsof the people you writethat they are all Latinos and it is somethingthat makes me very proudwe are supporting something there,because chicanos or for the causewe have and count three yearsfighting on these issues, nonothing to immigration to bewe have to do this is meI am very proud that it goesofficially open on 21april on broadway, and i’m soexcited.Rafael: we will be sharingtoday in this firstactive of the invitation iswe support this 12 weeksneed to enterformally to broadway, be thewe will be sharing withall these architects and withyou who make this dreamreality.thanks for sharing with

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