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Get Ready for Wintry New York Weather Thursday Night | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

these workers, and that they arecontemplating legal action.ópez, of the guardians of thetime, and this storm that alreadyapproaches.what time are we going to see thesesnowflakes?jeús: the storm is coming,we will see snowflakes fromfrom 10:00 at nightI went today.as early as 9:00because he goes to the radio and he knowsintensify a bit. thespace for thewinter precipitation happens.a difference of 26°newark, 29° difference forthe guard..pay attention, we will see eachminute and every hour isstorm track andthe effects.from 9:45 we haveisolated showers, going tobe a winter mix.this pink cone on screen israin, freezing rain and mixedwith snow.at 1:00 in the morningpanorama changes dastically,covers much of the areaConnecticut Tri-State, Thejarin state, in that of melekmetropolitan to long island.a little further north thereheavy snow.at 5:00 in the morning we seea rush turnwinter to rain areanew york metro goesto see heavy rain, just the samewhat for long island and partsfrom Newark.so you have to havecaution, specifically ifhave to go to work in themorning.the transit is going to be a littlecongested.we continue at 9:15 underthe effects of rain.We will see three types ofprecipitation, snow, watersnow and rain endingfor midday.there at that moment it is overcomethe time warningwintry.we will have rain for himalid air that isfiltering.we will have freezing rain, airthread.then the rains willfreeze and finish with airI trust it brings sleet.we start with the snowafter 1:00 in the morning.Let’s see the accumulated ice.that makes the conditionsdangerous, specificallyroads and sidewalks.after the passage of that storm

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