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Get Ready for the Spectacular Perseid Meteor Shower on August 12

On the night of August 12, the Earth will witness the Perseid meteor shower, which is the best annual meteor shower that astronomers around the world awaits, with a number of up to 60 meteors per hour at the peak.

These meteors come as a result of the entry of the remnants of Comet Swift-Tuttle, which was discovered in 1862, and the entry of these remnants that cause meteors continues from July 17 to August 24, and reaches its climax this year on the night of the 12th and the dawn of August 13th.

And the meteors fall as if they were coming from the Perseus / Perseus group, which is the reason for their name, but they can appear anywhere else in the sky, and the best conditions for viewing meteor showers are generally from a completely dark place away from the city lights after midnight, provided that the sky is clear and free. of dust and clouds.

Dr. Ashraf Tadros, Professor of Astronomy at the National Institute for Astronomical Research, had revealed that the constellations that can be seen during the month of August towards the north (the Great Bear / the Great Dipper), and (Scorpio) and (the Sagittarius / tea pot) in the south.

The professor of astronomy at the National Institute for Astronomical Research added that the famous Orion group begins at sunrise at 4:00 am at the beginning of the month, then at approximately 2:30 am at the end of the month, and the summer triangle consisting of the three bright stars (the flying eagle / the bird – the eagle) appears. Reality / Vega – the tail of the hen / Danb) to appear throughout the month of August when the night enters, and Mars and Mercury appear immediately after sunset for short periods, while Saturn and Jupiter shine with the progress of the night throughout the month of August.

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