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Get ready Follow Ikutan! 0% interest loan from Sri Mulyani

Jakarta, CNBC IndonesiaThe Ministry of Finance (Ministry of Finance) plans to help the community, especially households, through providing access to loans. Especially the loan, the interest is 0%!

Special Staff of the Minister of Finance for Strategic Communication Yustinus Prastowo said the latest assistance scheme was being prepared and would soon be launched. This step is expected to encourage public consumption which fell sharply in the second quarter.

“There will be a loan scheme for households without interest so that it can be accessed, that’s what is being prepared,” he said in the 2020 Public Information Openness webinar: SMEs are skyrocketing, the Economy Is Rising, Thursday (6/8/2020).

However, Justin did not explain in detail as to what the scheme will be. Because, currently still under discussion and not final.

Not only that, to help the community especially increase consumption and encourage purchasing power, the government will also provide additional social assistance (social assistance) for recipients of the Family Hope Program (PKH) in the form of 15 kg of rice. This will be given to 10 million people with a total budget of Rp 4.6 trillion.

Then, the government will also provide cash assistance of Rp 500 thousand for recipients of basic food needs outside PKH. This was given to around 10 million people with a total budget of Rp 5 trillion, which will begin to be paid this August.

Furthermore, and still under study is the government will provide assistance in the form of additional salaries to private employees whose salary is under Rp. 5 million per month. This will be given to around 13 million employees with a total budget of Rp 31.2 trillion.

“So this is so that there is additional purchasing power, so that they are helped and cared for,” he said.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]


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