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Get ready, 13th Salary Liquid on July 1, 2022

JAKARTAKOMPAS.com – Ministry of Finance (Ministry of Finance) will disburse the 13th salary on July 1, 2022. The budget is already available in three different posts and the disbursement is scheduled for July 2022.

“The payment of the thirteenth salary will be made starting July 1,” said Director of Budget Implementation, Directorate General of Treasury, Ministry of Finance, Tri Budhianto to Kompas.com, Tuesday (21/6/2022).

Tri said, in order to be disbursed on July 1, 2022, the preparation process for paying the 13th salary can start on June 23 for salary reconciliation.

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He said that the disbursement process is set to be faster starting on June 23, 2022 as part of the DJPb service and is a strategy so that there is no bottle neck in the disbursement of funds on July 1, 2022.

Meanwhile, the submission of the 13th SPM Salary can be made starting on June 24, 2022. As for work units (satker) that submit disbursement after July 1, the salaries of the 13 satkers will still be served and paid.

“Thus, it is hoped that by July 1 most of the work units will have been paid their 13th salaries,” he explained.

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Just so you know, the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati has mentioned the disbursement of the 13th salary since announcing the disbursement of THR for civil servants. The provision of THR and the 13th salary has been stipulated in Government Regulation (PP) Number 16 of 2022.

The state treasurer has prepared the funds in three different posts. The posts are the budget in the Ministry/Agency (K/L), the General Allocation Fund (DAU), and the State General Treasurer (BUN).

“The government’s THR policy is regulated in the State Budget for Fiscal Year 2022, with the THR budget and 13 salaries already allocated in the budget of ministries/agencies, the General Allocation Fund (DAU), and the State General Treasurer (BUN),” said Sri Mulyani.

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In detail, the THR budget and the 13th salary in the ministry/institution reached Rp 10.3 trillion for ASN center, TNI/Polri.

Then, the DAU fund is around Rp. 15 trillion for regional ASN, both civil servants and PPPK. The DAU can also be added from the 2022 FY APBN according to the fiscal capacity of each region. The budget is also provided in the BUN worth Rp 9 trillion for retirees.

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