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Get out of the (Riga City Council member’s) comfort zone • IR.lv

The Latvian team together with the intelligence commander of the Ukrainian army, receiving humanitarian aid. In the foreground – the author of the article. Photo from personal archive

Those who know me know that I “suffer” from justice syndrome – I chronically do not tolerate corruption and theft, I defend the weakest, I fight for a good and safe future for all of us. Being a member of parliament means doing exactly that – doing things right. Because things have to be done right. Do not do at all.

However, for some, being an MP means a constant battle for ratings and PR (from English Public Relations, in Latvian – public relations) for pros. It’s a kind of competition – who will be the first to express an opinion, who will be the first to announce an initiative or who will be the first to tap his (social networks) breast with an infographic – hey, what we did! When Riga donated Riga Traffic buses for Ukraine, a march of the mayor and vice-mayors to the buses was organized, filling them with humanitarian aid – everything is correct so far. Until I saw that there are more press photographers than council benefactors. Everyone is posing and smiling – it will be a plus for PR.

Instead of really delving into the real needs, for example, directing the funds allocated in the budget to increase their salaries for the repair or improvement of social housing, the issues of raising one’s own profitability are not discussed – they are accepted unanimously. When there was an accident in the buildings of Valdemāra Street, people were evacuated, the city management emphasized that the residents are provided with crisis housing in a social building. I have a question for the mayor and vice-mayors – could you spend at least one night there with your children?

Did the city management collect enough PR benefits by opening a nightclub owned by private individuals? Has the city management done enough to improve the comfort of municipal police officers or did they just leave, say good words and that’s it? I can be kicked out of the coalition, I can be stoned, but I am sure that being in tune with the real needs of people is more important than PR benefits and raising my salary as an MP.

From the first day of the war, I have followed the development of events in Ukraine, got involved, donated, coordinated, helped in legal matters. Currently, there is a sense of relaxation in society, society is used to war, but this must not happen!

From time to time, the Riga City Council decides on the donation of municipal capital companies’ means of transport, financial means, etc., to Ukraine. But is that enough? I think not. This is also our individual responsibility.

I needed to ground myself and get out of the MP bubble. That’s why I took my piggy bank of non-white days and bought it VW cargo van and Nissan jeep, which my friend technically updated, and went to the front line.

When the means of transport were prepared, we left for the association your friends, where the cars are only loaded with various humanitarian aid. I can say a huge thank you for how selflessly the said association works!

And so, on March 4, the road to Ukraine began early in the morning. There was such a snowfall in Poland that, despite the fact that the bus was loaded with cargo, it was carried along the road by the gusts of wind. On March 5, around pl. 05, we entered Lviv – the first stop, where we took a breather, slept and handed over some of the humanitarian aid. From Lviv we went to Kyiv. Duty posts have been set up before Kyiv, where soldiers check incoming and imported cargo. Fortifications and ditches can be seen along the sides of the streets. We stayed overnight in a hostel in Kyiv, where Ukrainian soldiers also stayed. One said that he was injured by shrapnel from a bomb – one hit his ear (part of his ear was gone) and the other hit his stomach. However, his courage had not diminished, he said that he would return to the front. A soldier without a leg also came to the hostel on crutches.

In the morning, air raid alarms sounded in Kyiv. At that time, the police closes strategic objects, including bridges. After the alarm ended, we got behind the wheel of the car and went to Kharkiv. Along the way, you can see that the names of towns and villages are obscured, road signs are painted over. This is done in order to reduce the opportunities for the opponent to navigate. In Kharkiv, we spent the night in an apartment where there was neither electricity nor heating, the room temperature was +10 degrees. In the evening and night, alarms were heard from time to time.

Along the way, you can observe painted road signs – to confuse the tracks of the enemy. Photo from personal archive

In the morning we went to the Russian border village of Lipci, where on February 23, 2022 around pl. On 03, the attack of the Russian army started. This area is closed, but permission was given to the Ukrainian volunteer who accompanied us by contacting the regional mayor’s office – we were told that a person had arrived from Riga. In fact, during the entire trip, I was saved by the status of a deputy – we were allowed everywhere, we were shown places that are closed to others. On the way to the village Lipci, you could see looted, totally destroyed villages. I was pleasantly surprised that crews are working in these villages to restore the electricity supply. The municipality is also actively involved in taking care of the properties – broken windows are closed with chipboards, temporary roofs are put on buildings. The people I met in Lipcs were gloomy, but when spoken to, they expressed their readiness not to give up and not to leave their native village. We met a retired teacher who continues to go to the municipality and teaches children mathematics and physics in one room. Of course, there are not many children left, about ten, but as the teacher said, they also need knowledge.

After Lipetsi, we went back to Kharkiv, where we spent the night and left early in the morning for the Donetsk region. In Donetsk, we met the only woman of the Ukrainian army, who holds the position of intelligence commander. Accompanied by her, we entered the Marjinka area, which is an active front line. She said that the previous night, the Ukrainian army suffered heavy losses in this area – around 300 men were killed.

The most tragic thing is that the Russians have not allowed to take out either the dead or injured soldiers. And considering that it was only +7 degrees at night, even those who were still alive had almost no chance of survival.

Despite the fact that we were given body armor and helmets, being near the front line, there was something to think about, but seeing that the soldiers felt uplifted, supported, that the men from Latvia were not afraid to come to them as well, made us collect ourselves and control our adrenaline levels. We receive a briefing – if the shooting starts, we must fall to the ground and wait for it to end. This reduces the chances of you getting killed or injured. There are no unbelievers here. Willingly or not, in such conditions, a person begins to reflect on his life – everything that has been, what will be, what are the values ​​and what is really important. When entering these areas, you must turn off your mobile phones, because they can find you and, for example, send a gift with a drone, which you definitely do not want to receive. We left one car and humanitarian aid at this front line and went back to Kharkiv.

On the way, we saw Izjum, a classic example of the Ukrainian genocide – only a few windows were lit, which shows that there are still brave people who returned home despite the inhumane conditions. Returning to Kharkiv, we were “welcomed” by 15 rocket attacks at night. The electricity went out in our apartment, in the morning they told us that the power plant had been hit.

Small pink March 8 tails can be attached to the grenades carried by the drones – for a more precise aim. Photo from personal archive

Thus, our mission to deliver vehicles and humanitarian aid to Ukraine was over. About 2,700 km have been driven in total. I can report with genuine joy that in honor of March 8, we delivered several hundred pink tails that will be attached to drone-piloted grenades. So to say, greetings on women’s day, mother dew!

Will I still go to Ukraine? I will go and will definitely continue to support the defenders of Ukraine. I invite you to do it too! Defenders of Ukraine are also fighting for our future security. Let’s be realistic – if the Russians managed to conquer Ukraine, their appetite would not end. Let’s be observant, careful, because Russia also has so-called soft power in Latvia. You will ask – where to start? At least with what I have promised myself – let’s speak Latvian in Latvia, let’s protect our culture, which is our identity!

As the Ukrainians say, energy there are many more, but this war will be won by those with the best equipment and soldiers trained to use it. Defenders of Ukraine lack generators, batteries, drones, which are equipped with night vision cameras, thermal cameras, drone shooting devices, as well as hygiene products (wet wipes, toilet paper, etc.), disposable utensils (they are quickly used up in the trenches) should be regularly replenished. And if you are with me, then you definitely have the opportunity to donate these things to the society your friends.

Thanks to my co-passengers Māris Celmas and Dairis Vīksne, who prepared the vehicles for the road! And to Ukrainian volunteer Kostyantyn Struzhychenko – Слава України!

The author is a non-partisan member of the Riga City Council

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