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Get on Board: New York & London, you pick and you roll

Get on Board: New York & London is the new Iello game. In mode you draw, you put and you tick.

Get on Board: New York & London

Get on Board: New York & London was released in January 2022 by Iello. it’s about the Japanese game reissue rather discreet when it was released in 2018 and titled Let’s Make a Bus.

In Get on Board, which can be translated as “get in the vehicle”, you control a bus company operating in London or New York, depending on which side of the board you choose.

Along the way, you will pick up various passengers who want to get on the bus, in your bus, and looking to get to different places in the city.

a little, but really a little like Rail Adventurers, you will have to travel routes and connect different places on a common board. All this by placing your little sticks on the board. And on the contrary of Rail Adventurers, except for 2-lane roads, several people can occupy the same section. With a disadvantage, however, since we have just generated a… traffic jam. As we say in English, “you are not stuck in traffic, you are traffic”, or “you are not stuck in traffic jams, you are traffic jams”.

Your ultimate goal, collect the most passengers to bring them to different places. While avoiding traffic jams.

Everything is played in mode you draw and you tick. You draw a card, which indicates how to place your sticks on the central board, with which layout, knowing that each card refers to two possible layouts. A bend here, a straight line there. His sticks placed, we then tick on his personal file all the passengers, all the related pictograms, covered by his sticks. A rather classic “pick & tick”. With a subtlety however, and size, the common plateau aspect to manage.

Beware of pedestrians

As we know, a bus route should always run a different route through the city. Have you ever seen a bus take the same route twice on its route? Do not say yes, otherwise you will ruin my paragraph, my explanation and all the subtlety of the game.

During the game, if your path were to cross, this would immediately result in the radical elimination of the game. In other words, we cannot never loop. You always have to move forward. Kind of like in real life. What generates a constraint, a pressure, a constant tension in the game. Enough to have to choose the right routes, the right itineraries. And above all, to mourn passengers, picto that we would like to tick.

Get on Board: New York & London, verdict

Get on Board: New York & London is a very good game. Accessible, addictive, attractive, and I’m trying to find other relevant qualifiers starting with “a”, but I gave it my all this morning while playing Wordle.

A mechanism today that could be described as… classic? The flip & write, pick and tick. With more and more games that integrate this mechanism and that tumble on the market, we could have worried about yet another repetition, yet another iteration. And yet, Get on Board: New York & London manages to offer a captivating fun experience.

Between Welcome to, Rail Adventurers and Very Smart! for the personal file with the bonuses to check, Get on Board: New York & London is pleasant. With a particular, very 50s design that you may or may not like, you want to chain the games.

But let’s be honest. We won’t get up at night. Get On did not leave us with a lasting or memorable memory. But a playful experience that is nevertheless pleasant, positive, catchy, appetizing. Ha there, I found a qualifier that begins with “a”.

Very good !

Rating: 4 out of 5.

  • Author : Saashi
  • Illustrator : Mr Z
  • Editor : Iello
  • Numbers of players and players : 2 to 5 (runs well in all configurations, really!)
  • Recommended age : From 8 years old (it’s rather optimistic. There are a lot of bonuses, elements to manage. Count rather 10-12 years old)
  • Duration : 30-45′ (good estimate)
  • Theme : Urban public transport
  • Main mechanics : Flip & write, objectifs

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