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“Get Grants for Buying a Bike in Loire-Atlantique: Here’s What You Need to Know”

Do you want to buy a bike and you live in Loire-Atlantique? Find out which grants you are eligible for!

At the department level

The first thing to note is that the Loire-Atlantique department does not offer help with the purchase of a bicycle.

This is relatively normal because even if some departments offer assistance, the organization of mobility normally falls within the competence of the regions or inter-municipalities and metropolises.

Fortunately, residents of the region can benefit from the help of the region.

At the level of the Pays de la Loire region

The Pays de la Loire Region wishes to encourage the development of soft modes in intermodality with the train. It offers valid purchase assistance:

  • for a folding bike
  • or for an electrically assisted bicycle

This aid is reserved for unlimited Tutti subscribers, Métrocéane monthly subscribers, annual subscribers of Loire-Atlantique, Maine et Loire and Sarthe, as well as monthly subscribers of the Mayenne and Vendée networks (outside school).

The amount of the aid is 50% of the purchase price including tax capped at €200 for folding bikes as well as for electric bikes. These aids cannot be combined with each other, an electrically assisted folding bike can only benefit from one type of aid.

Local aid

To simulate the exact amount of aid to which you are entitled by combining the aid offered by the department, the region, and the State, we have developed a calculator. Simply enter your city of residence below:

In the department, the following communities offer additional aid:

State aid

And of course the residents of the region can benefit from state aid. It’s about :

  • Ecological bonus, open under certain conditions to certain types of bikes
  • From the conversion bonus, conditional on the scrapping of an old car
  • The sustainable mobility package, paid by the employer to cover the costs related to commuting by bicycle

2023-05-05 14:07:13
#Aid #cycling #LoireAtlantique

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