tip that could charge theNew Yorkers when ordering.They seek to reduce costs becausecompanies will have toincrease the service rate.Stephanie: We’re going to be very cold.have today’s day, the next dayof only 42, we compare withthe average below about 5°but the feeling is the worstwe are going to have today because of thiswind that is going to intensify inthe afternoon. we are far fromrecord of 71, we can see thisthermal sensation, although thetemperatures are 42 intherometer stays in themid 30s, today is convenientwear plenty of layersof clothes and put on this hat,gloves, scarf and a goodWinter coat.let’s take a look at thepanorama of theweek fortunately fromon Friday thesituation but that in one dayI hope it’s tomorrow, let it be the dayfreshest of the whole week,cloudy, starting Friday orthe temperature and beginclear a cold front thatwill generate precipitation foron Sunday but you are alsoThey are 12, 13° above theaverage with 60°downpours continue untilMonday and a drastic changebecause it is a front systemthat comes with a pale front,then his cold forehead and againtemperatures drop andmidweek we are located innormal temperatures forthe time in the upper middle40.can also be maintainedinformed in our
2023-12-06 10:58:00
#gloves #scarf #good #coat #ready #ready #pretty #cold #morning #York