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Get Covid-19 After Vaccination, Can You Experience Long Covid?

Questions arise regarding ‘long covid’ for those who have been vaccinated.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Long Covid These are symptoms that may still occur in Covid-19 survivors who have recovered. Some of the symptoms vary, including shortness of breath, heart palpitations, hair loss, and others.

Long Covid occurs after recovery from infection. The duration also varies, some are one month or more. This condition can develop after a severe initial infection or even in those who initially have mild or no symptoms.

However, along with its development, scientists have found a vaccine that has been shown to reduce symptoms in people with Covid-19. That also raises the question, can someone get hit Long Covid if infected after vaccination?

According to the page AP News reported Friday (6/8), the answer to that question is still unclear. However, researchers are studying the possibility of long-term symptoms of Covid-19 developing after vaccination.

The COVID-19 vaccine used worldwide is effective in preventing severe illness and death from the coronavirus. However, some people do become infected after the injection. With such “breakthrough” cases, health experts say vaccines will help reduce the severity of the illness people are experiencing.

But the researchers are also looking at whether those breakthrough cases can lead to Long Covid. Some estimates suggest around 30 percent of unvaccinated COVID-19 patients experience long-term symptoms or Long Covid, including shortness of breath, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, insomnia, and brain fog. Similar symptoms can also develop after other viral infections.

A small Israeli study published recently found Long Covid in some health care workers with breakthrough infections. They develop mild symptoms including cough, fatigue and weakness that persist for at least six weeks.

Larger studies are in progress. Researchers don’t know why symptoms persist. But they believe some of the symptoms reflect lung scarring or other organ damage from the initial severe infection. Another theory suggests the virus can linger in the body and trigger an immune response that leads to symptoms.

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