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Gesture. The blood donation association resumes his walks

The association for voluntary blood donation of the Pont-Scorff region organizes the 9And edition of its annual excursion.

Starting from the Domaine du Lain de Gestel, three circuits (4 km, 9 km and 15 km) will be proposed, following the paths of Gestel, Quéven and Pont-Scorff. Registration, € 4, free for children under 14, will be on site from 8:30 to 10:00, for a free departure with expected arrival until 14:00. Hikers will be offered a medium-term supply and, upon arrival, a sandwich and a drink and participation in a free raffle for all participants

The association will take advantage of this event to make a donation to the Espoir Emma’Lice association and the Rêves de clown association at around 1:00 pm.

Sunday 18 September, registration 4 euros on site from 8:30 to 10:00, at the Domaine du Lain, tel. 06 82 07 36 53 or [email protected]. Monday 19, blood sampling at the multipurpose room. Make an appointment at https://mon-rdv-dondesang.efs.sante.fr/collecte/32506/sang/11-09-2022

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