Home » today » World » “Gesture of love” to the villagers. The President of Poland has started bidding for the post of Prime Minister – 2024-04-29 02:47:19

“Gesture of love” to the villagers. The President of Poland has started bidding for the post of Prime Minister – 2024-04-29 02:47:19

/ world today news/ Polish President Andrzej Duda on Monday, November 6, made the statement that participants in the recent parliamentary elections in Poland expected from him.

In a week, on November 13, the first session of the new parliament will be held,” Duda said. “As president, I have the honor to appoint a senior marshal who will conduct the first sessions of the Diet. I decided to entrust this important and prestigious function to Mr. Marek Sawicki from the Polish Peasant Party (PSL), who was elected on the “Third Way” list.

Duda then said that he was entrusting the task of forming a government to Poland’s current Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, representing the Law and Justice (PiS) party.

According to the president, he has decided to continue in this way “the good parliamentary tradition, according to which the winning party has the first opportunity to form a government, as I announced during the election campaign and as has always happened since the adoption of the current Constitution.

On November 13, at the first session of the Sejm, Moravetski will resign, but until a new government is elected, he and the ministers will continue to perform their duties. At the same time, he will have 14 days to secure a parliamentary majority to form a new cabinet. If Moravetski does not receive a vote of confidence, the Seimas will have another 14 days to elect a new prime minister and members of the government.

The statement of the head of state caused only partial satisfaction among the political forces. Thus, the nomination of Savitsky, who has 30 years of parliamentary experience, for the position of opening the first session of the new Seimas was considered successful. After all, it is the senior marshal who conducts the vote to elect a permanent speaker of the lower house and sets the date for the next sitting.

After the October 15 election, which was unsuccessful for Law and Justice, rumors began to circulate that Duda would appoint a PiS representative to the post of chief marshal, who would open the session, proceed with the swearing-in ceremony of the deputies and closed without scheduling a new meeting that would allow the current Morawiecki government to continue its work.

However, the president decided not to burn bridges with the Polish Peasant Party, which by all accounts is closer to “Law and Justice” than all other opposition forces.

PSL is a party that knows how to bargain.

Commenting on Sawicki’s appointment as senior marshal, the newspaper Rzeczpospolita called Duda’s action a “gesture of love” for the Polish Peasant Party (PSL).

Perhaps even boosted by the hope that the PSL will betray Tusk and lend a hand to the needy Prime Minister Morawiecki “, writes the publication. – Will he give in? Today, the activists of the Polish Peasant Party strongly deny this and assure their absolute loyalty to their opposition partners. However, we must not forget how many years until now the PSL leaders have been answering the question of who will win the elections: without a doubt our coalition partner! »

Law and Justice was given until the end of November to form a governing coalition. The task before PiS is extremely difficult. She must convince at least 37 deputies from the other blocs to support Moravetski.

According to the wPolityce portal, PiS is in talks with individual opposition politicians. Although ” are not very successful, there are two small communities willing to cooperate “, notes the release, “ the number of sabers is not enough yet, but in the future, near or far, who knows? Finding the right camp is not a waste of time.”

It was believed that the only chance for Law and Justice would be an alliance with the Polish Peasant Party and the Confederation. Both the first and the second deny the possibility of Morawiecki entering the government. Another thing is that PiS can make unconventional moves.

Thus, in a recent interview for the Interia portal, the prime minister answered affirmatively to a question about whether he could imagine himself in a government headed by the head of the PSL, Władysław Kosiniak-Kamish.

It’s entirely possible that Law and Justice is considering a technology that would include the elevation of Kosiniak-Kamish to the premiership if Morawiecki’s mission fails. The main thing for PiS in this case will be the blocking of the leader of the Civic Platform, Donald Tusk.

There is another option.

According to Gazeta Polska editor-in-chief Tomasz Sakiewicz, Duda’s proposal to Savicki to become senior marshal is also a hint that this particular PSL representative could become a compromise figure in the position of head of government.

Savitsky is the politician who is most likely to be able to carry out that part of the Law and Justice program that concerns him. Sakiewicz noted.

PiS is playing to split the situational alliance of the three opposition blocs.

The further it goes, the more contradictions accumulate there. Supporters of the opposition claim that with the decision to issue a mandate to create a government of Morawiecki, the president ” has disappointed Poland and the Poles, because we lose at least two or three weeks when it would be possible to form a cabinet, we have many topics to consider. “

However, it is not clear what the opposition forces wanted and could create so important in two or three weeks, given that they will need time to get used to the new parliament, not to mention the government (if they manage to create one). .

In any case, the official start of the trading of MPs’ votes announced by the President of Poland will show how resistant the opposition politicians will be to the promises of “Law and Justice”.

Translation: ES

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