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Gerry Scotti “paralyzed” by terror: the story that puzzled the fans

Gerry Scotti left a confession that scared his fans a lot. Fear really marked the conductor

One of the most loved and appreciated conductors by the Italian public, who always returns to the small screen for entertain the audience of Canale 5. Even now, Gerry Scotti will be at the helm of the broadcast lo Show of Records. Meanwhile, however, the conductor told an episode in the life of him who has it literally paralyzed. But what happened to our beloved Gerry Scotti?

It’s not just there Mediaset to consider him one of the most prominent conductors of the network, but in the past the same Mike Bongiorno spoke of Gerry Scotti as a his heir. There are many viewers who loved Scotti, especially thanks to the program Who wants to Be a Millionaire?. But it is not the only transmission that has led him to success.

His face is associated with countless broadcasts such as the run, Free fall, The Wall, Paperissima Sprint and also Strip the News. In short, our Uncle Gerry has always been much loved. The host has not always had an easy life, in fact he has had to face several dramas. Especially recently he had to also deal with a very worrying pathology.

Gerry Scotti, the story of the conductor’s fear

gerry scotti scared

The same conductor is positive result at Covid-19 and had a not too happy time during that time. Fortunately, however, everything has passed and today he is as healthy as a fish. Pending his return to the management of the Record show, Gerry Scotti talked a little about himself, telling a side of his life that not everyone knew. The famous conductor, since he was only 16 years old, has a phobia. It was he who talked about it, revealing an unexpected detail from his life.

Since the age of 16, Gerry Scotti suffer from vertigo. Before that he was not aware of it, but then due to one particular episode he realized he had this phobia. A I remember very lucid, which even today just thinking about it makes him come there tremble almost come to “Paralyze it”.

“One evening I was a guest on top of a skyscraper. During the evening, the landlord climbed over the balcony balustrade and started the game of hands-free poised on the ledge. I was literally paralyzed: I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t move a muscle “.

These are the words of Gerry Scotti. Would you have thought that a big man as big as the conductor of Free fall could have this phobia?

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