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Gerry Scotti, emergency hospitalization and attacked machinery: the dramatic situation | The confession

Two years of pandemic have left thousands of victims. Many other Italians, on the other hand, managed to survive Covid and were able to tell their dregretful experience with the virus. Among these the conductor Gerry Scotti: finished in intensive care and, today, back in perfect shape.

Loved by the public, Gerry Scotti represents one of the symbolic conductors of the Mediaset networks. Guarantee for the Biscione networks, the former deejay has been loved since the days of his work on the radio. After that experience, Scotti’s career turned towards the small screen and, from that moment, he has become a champion of Italian television.

Friendly, polite, nice and never out of place, “Uncle Gerry” – as he is nicknamed by loyal fans – lived very delicate moments during the pandemic. Like many colleagues, in fact, he too has had to deal with Covid, but his experience was anything but easy. For several days, in fact, viewers remained in suspense after the news of the admission to intensive care for the conductor of Canale 5. Having overcome the moments of difficulty, it was Scotti himself who recounted the most dramatic moments of his hospital stay.

Gerry Scotti, moments in intensive care

It was November of 2020 when Gerry Scotti was brought in urgently at the intensive unit of the Covid Center of Humanitas in Rozzano.

“I had all the parameters wrong: liver, kidneys, pancreas – he recalled in an interview for the weekly Oggi -. When I was hospitalized for Covid and I was serious, the thought of my niece Virginia helped me. I said to myself: I have to get well because my niece is born in a month and I want to be there “.

For several days, therefore, Gerry Scotti was kept under close observation by the doctors of the Milanese hospital, until it was he himself who gave the news of his improvement.

Gerry Scotti, the diet after Covid

Almost two years after that dramatic experience in intensive care, Gerry Scotti appears in perfect shapethanks also to a diet followed after leaving the hospital.

“I followed a vegetarian diet. It was the second time in my life: the first was during the 2020 lockdown, when with my partner and my son Edoardo we didn’t touch it for 40 days, until Easter – he explained to Corriere della sera -. Now I limit the quantities: once a week chicken, fish and eggs and rarely the red one. For me, who suffer from high blood pressure, it’s better this way “.

And, thanks to this diet, the handler managed to lose several kilos too much.

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