Updated: 01.01.202116:02
ofKlaus Greif
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The non-profit foundation for digital education, established by Docuware founder Jürgen Biffar and his wife Michaela Wienke, can show its first success. The Brainix learning software developed by the foundation has been successfully tested at three schools in Bavaria.
Germering – Prototypes of the software were tested in two-week pilot tests at three Bavarian high schools in the sixth grade in the subjects of mathematics and English. According to a report by the foundation, the result of the subsequent survey is: “The students are highly motivated and learn very focused with the software.” The teachers and parents also want to continue using the software.
The programs, which are precisely tailored to the curricula of the grammar schools, convey the subject matter in a varied way. In alternating lessons, they relieve the teaching staff of the pure teaching of the material, so that the classroom lessons can be used more for project work or transfer tasks. Thomas Haas, who was involved in the tests as a mathematics teacher at the Beilngries grammar school, confirms this: “Our impression as a teacher is confirmed by the results of the student and parent surveys: concentration when learning with the software is high; the students are very motivated because they appreciate the playful design, the appealing look and the various interaction options. “
Across all three schools – in addition to the Beilngries grammar school, the Willibald grammar school in Eichstätt and the Ortenburg grammar school in Oberviechtach – the survey showed that the overwhelming majority of students, teachers and parents would like to continue working with Brainix. The learning software is developed by the Digital Education Foundation in a team of didactic scientists, young teachers and software engineers. The programs use the multimedia and multisensory interaction options of current end devices such as pen, language, keyboard, mouse, image, sound and video). They bind the learner’s attention through interaction and playful elements (gamification) and adapt dynamically to different learning speeds.
Jürgen Biffar draws a positive conclusion: “So far, the digital possibilities have been insufficiently used in schools. The pilot tests confirmed our expectations of being able to achieve a significant increase in the average learning success of a class through the use of Brainix. ”He is particularly pleased that the software promotes fun and enthusiasm in lessons. These are essential factors for effective learning.
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