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Germany’s New Nationality Policy: Why are They Relaxing Immigration Conditions?

According to the bill, it will be possible to apply for German nationality after five years of residence, compared to eight currently. The period may even be reduced to three years for foreigners who are well integrated in the country. Germany will also relax the conditions for obtaining dual nationality, a possibility hitherto reserved for EU and Swiss nationals. These new terms will benefit the large Turkish community living across the Rhine. Why is Germany relaxing its nationality conditions? What immigration does it target? Should we oppose his model and the current French policy? Jacques-Pierre Gougeon, university professor and director of the German observatory at IRIS, provides some answers.

A couple, two countries and divergent ideas. On immigration, the Franco-German tandem does not seem to pedal together. In an interview with the weekly PointEmmanuel Macron has indicated his desire to “significantly reduce immigration”while announcing the return to the new school year of the immigration bill, which has been postponed several times since this winter.

For its part, Berlin has adopted a bill aimed at speeding up the naturalization process for foreigners and softening its positions on dual nationality. A project around nationality and citizenship which must in particular allow “people who have been part of our society for a long time to participate in the democratic organization of our country”, declared the Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser during a press conference on Wednesday.

Why do the Germans adopt this policy? Which immigration wants to capture the first European economy? Is this approach opposed to current French policy? For 20 Minutes, Jacques Pierre Gougeonuniversity professor and director of the German observatory at IRIS, analyzes the situation.

Why does Germany want to relax its conditions for obtaining nationality?

Politically, the reform, which is to be debated in the fall in the Bundestag, is not a surprise. Angela Merkel was already talking about it and “the new government has made it a priority, which is included in the coalition contract”, recalls our specialist. One of the motivations for relaxing nationality requirements is economic. The most populous country of the Old Continent and the largest European economy suffers from a crying lack of manpower. “That’s why we need immigration. Need for nearly 400,000 people to come to our country,” said Nancy Faeser, as noted Challenges.

Germany faces a problem of an aging population, the birth rate is very low. Today, the positive migratory balance is about 240,000 people. According to statistical projections, it would have to increase to 310,000 people per year in 2060 to maintain the current population,” recalls our expert.

Especially since the economic players are sticking their tongues out. “In the mechanical industry sector, 47% of companies say they have to limit their activities due to a lack of manpower. In the automotive industry, the figure is 35%, it undermines competitiveness. Today, the working-age population is approximately 49 million people. If the migratory balance remains stable, this figure will increase to 39 million in 2060”, specifies Jacques-Pierre Goujeon.

What kind of immigration do the Germans want to attract?

before the text, the residence requirement in Germany before applying for citizenship was eight years. If the project is approved, the limit will be lowered to five years. In the event of particularly successful integration (perfect mastery of the language, professional integration, voluntary work, etc.), it will be possible to drop this residence condition to just three years.

“It is a chosen immigration. For example, Germany wants to strengthen itself at the scientific level in certain fields (computing, mathematics). For that, it turns in particular to Indian engineers. Indians represented less than 2% of immigration in 2010, it rose to 7% in 2022”, dissects our specialist.

Identifying and attracting talent is the stated goal of the German government. “Typically he [le texte] is for a professor specializing in artificial intelligence, to whom the United States would immediately give a green card,” said Nancy Faeser.

Another highlight of the measure: the relaxation of the conditions for obtaining dual nationality. A news which concerns in particular the imposing Turkish community (3.5 million, half of whom are naturalized) in Germany. Until now, only nationals of the EU or Switzerland could benefit from dual nationality, Turks living in Germany were forced to make a choice.

“It was a great absurdity, even discrimination when you think about it, considers Mehmet, a trader in a Berlin market interviewed by until. Why we Turks have to choose between two nationalities while others are entitled to it, it should never have been allowed. »

Does this policy break with current French policy?

Toughen the tone on illegal immigration, but also promote the regularization of immigrant workers in labour-intensive trades, while reforming the right of asylum to facilitate evictions. The French executive is preparing to put its immigration bill in September. This change of German course while France is tense on immigration should not necessarily be seen as a frontal opposition. Especially since Germany assumes that it was inspired by its French neighbor “whose culture of hospitality is an example”.

“It’s also a question of image. Germany wants to show itself as a welcoming country and wants to be seen as a country of immigration. The country also feels less bound by history compared to certain immigrant populations,” comments our expert. But, with an opinion not really favorable to massive immigration marked by welcoming Syrian migrantsand especially a strong extreme rightthe subject is likely to be fiercely debated in the coming weeks.

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