Home » today » Entertainment » Germany’s most spectacular cinema is in Baden-Württemberg

Germany’s most spectacular cinema is in Baden-Württemberg

Symbolic image © imago/Horst Rudel

Many people visit movie theaters in summer too. Air conditioning, great films and popcorn attract the masses to the screenings. Surprisingly, the most spectacular cinema in Germany is not in Berlin or Munich, but in Baden-Württemberg.

Even in the middle of the streaming age, Germans still like to go to the cinema. Be it a small arthouse cinema for indie films or a large multiplex. Surprisingly, the most spectacular cinema in Germany is not located in a metropolis, but in Baden-Württemberg.

This dream palace offers a cinema experience on a new level

In times when Netflix, Disney+ and Amazon Prime are gaining popularity, cinemas are looking for innovative ways to increase their appeal. An outstanding example of how this works successfully is the “Traumpalast” in Esslingen. Here, the focus is on the latest technology and special experiences to put the cinema back at the center of leisure activities. Unique equipment and a well-thought-out spatial concept inspire every visitor to the Traumpalast.

The Esslingen cinema showed its innovative spirit back in 2018. At that time, it opened the first cinema hall in the entire EU to be equipped with a Samsung Cinema LED screen. Interestingly, this technology dispenses with the conventional projector and uses a huge LED screen instead. The brilliance and brightness here are indeed impressive and far surpass conventional screens. With an area of ​​55 square meters, the screen guarantees a sharp and intense image.

Innovative technology is set to usher in a new era of cinema

But the cinema in Esslingen is not resting on its laurels. In December 2023, the dream palace once again set standards in the German cinema landscape with the opening of a Dolby Cinema hall. The special thing about Dolby Cinema is that it combines the best image and sound technologies for a doubly immersive cinema experience. As soon as they enter the hall through an illuminated tunnel, which the operators aptly call “Prelude”, visitors are in the mood for the experience ahead.

The hall is completely black. The speakers, which are discreetly integrated into the walls, ensure that nothing distracts from the screen. The focus is therefore entirely on the film. Thanks to the first-class technology, which is second to none, the audience can experience it in the finest quality. With this innovation, the Traumpalast Esslingen proves that it can not only keep up with the latest developments, but also plays a pioneering role in the field of premium cinema.

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