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Germany will leave schools open. It’s a priority, says Merkel

The German Chancellor and the Prime Ministers of the Länder evaluated the provisional results of the November quarantine. The Chancellor once again called on the public to give up private celebrations as well as travel unless absolutely necessary. The conditions of the quarantine, which is in the middle of the planned length, will not change yet. Keeping schools open is a priority for Merkel.

According to the media, she had previously proposed to the provincial prime ministers a widespread extension of the veils to teaching, but they did not want to accept any changes today. The adjustment of quarantine measures is thus expected in the week of 23 November. If the government tightens, veils will be needed during classes. According to Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder, however, there is little hope that the situation will be completely under control by the end of November and that everything will be fine.

On the subject of schools, Söder said that the question should be asked whether maintaining their operation “at all costs” in places where coronavirus is most prevalent is really the best way to go. He therefore wants to address this topic in a week.

Merkel eventually agreed with the individual prime ministers on a slight tightening, but the chancellor said after the meeting that she would be in favor of tougher restrictions, she writes. German wave. The German government will appeal to citizens to refrain from holding house parties. “Every meeting that does not take place is the right step forward,” Merkel said, thanking her fellow citizens for following the measures.

“The good news is that we have stopped exponential growth,” Merkel said. “But we are still a long way from the goal of less than 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days,” she added. Now, according to Merkel, Germany is at the level of 140 infected per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days. Söder also considers it necessary to get below fifty. “Otherwise, the number of infected will rise again quickly,” he said.

Berlin Mayor Michael Müller also spoke about the slowing dynamics of the spread of the infection at a press conference, according to whom the situation is still worrying. “For the first time in Berlin, we have a thousand infected people in hospitals at the same time,” he said, adding that this puts considerable pressure on clinics in the metropolis of almost four million.

Bavarian Prime Minister Söder has warned that it is still not possible to shake off all cases of infection. He considers tracing to be key. According to Merkel, anyone who experiences symptoms similar to covid-19 should be isolated, and the doctor will decide whether it is appropriate to take the test.

Söder also commented on the upcoming Christmas holidays. He said that Christmas worries him less than the end-of-year celebrations. He also wants to negotiate holiday skiing with his colleagues and the Chancellor in a week. In recent days, the German media have reported that if the Germans are not able to go abroad on the slopes, it will lead to significant domestic interest in the German Alps, which will lead to capacity and logistical problems.

In the last 24 hours, Germany reported 10,824 new cases of coronavirus infection. The number of deaths from covid-19 has increased by 62. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in Berlin reported this today. In Germany, which has a population of around 83 million, the presence of coronavirus has been confirmed in 801,327 people since the onset of the epidemic, and 12,547 patients with covid-19 have died.

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