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Germany will facilitate travel, Norway ends with AstraZeneca – ČT24 – Czech Television

Germany will not require quarantine from those negative for coronavirus if they come from epidemically risky areas, as is now the case in Berlin and the Czech Republic, Health Minister Jens Spahn said. “A negative test will have to be actively submitted, which I emphasize,” he said, adding that the test would have to be uploaded to an electronic entry form.

The new regulation still stipulates that when arriving from a high-risk area, people must be quarantined for 10 days, which can be shortened by a test after five days. Even in this case, vaccinations and recovery can travel without quarantine. Mandatory fortnightly quarantine is required for all when traveling from areas with virus variants.

Without quarantine, people who have full vaccinations or covid-19 in the last six months can now go to Germany from high-risk and high-risk areas.

Norway will not resume vaccination with AstraZeneca

Norway according to the local newspaper Verdens Gang, he is definitely ending the vaccination with the AstraZeneca vaccine due to the risk of rare but serious side effects. According to Reuters, Prime Minister Erna Solberg will officially announce the decision on Wednesday evening. In addition to AstraZeneca, the opinion should also cover Johnson & Johnson.

On the second attempt on Wednesday, they approved the so-called covid passport French deputies. The document will allow people to participate in sports events, festivals or visit amusement parks and other mass events. It will take effect on June 9 and prove my vaccination, fresh negative PCR test or illness.

The proposal was originally rejected by the House on Tuesday evening due to concerns about the impact on civil liberties. The rare defeat of the ruling party of President Emmanuel Macron was caused by a revolt of coalition allies from the centrist party MoDem. Its lawmakers have accused the government of ignoring the boundaries of its ally.

Macron said a medical card, whether digital or paper, would prevent the virus from spreading at events involving more than a thousand people. It will not be used for routine matters such as visiting a restaurant or cinema, or using public transport. The draft is now being passed to the Senate.

India may be nearing the peak of a pandemic

A new record daily number of deaths – 4205 – was announced on Wednesday Indie, where 348 thousand infected were added on Tuesday. In total, the number of covid victims in the country exceeded a quarter of a million. According to experts, however, the actual numbers of deaths and infections may be several times higher.

The world’s second most populous country continues to struggle with congested hospitals, overcrowded medical staff and limited morgue and crematorium capacity. Patients do not receive medical oxygen and the necessary medication.

According to the latest daily increases in infections, it may be preliminarily predicted that the curve monitoring the development of covid-19 in the country is flattening, but the decline in reported increases is likely to be slow, according to leading Indian virologist Shahid Jamil.

“It is too early to say that we have reached the top,” the Indian Express quoted him as saying. “There are some indications that the cases are approaching the peak, but we must not forget that the peak is very high, there seem to be about four hundred thousand cases a day,” Jamil said.

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