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Germany Weather: Fall in Temperature and Ground Frost – Scary May Outlook

May is changeable – and according to current forecasts, it will remain that way until mid-May. With some extreme differences.

  • The April 2020 could go down in the history of weather records – that Weather* was exceptional.
  • The new month of May begins with a mixed start.
  • That is the new forecast.

Update from May 3, 2020, 9:20 p.m .: The new week starts in all of Germany with changeable weather. Especially in the middle and in the south it will be cloudy with on Monday Showers and thunderstormssaid the German weather service (DWD) on Sunday with. In the north, however, it should rain less and the sun can be seen more often. The maximum values ​​are between 11 and 15 degrees in the north, and between 14 and 22 degrees in the rest of Germany.

Even in the night of Tuesday, it remains cloudy and rainy in the south and east. The temperatures drop to 9 to 0 degrees, occasionally it can be too Ground frost come. On Tuesday it will be mostly sunny and dry, according to the DWD, only in the south and east there can be showers.

The Maximum values are between 11 degrees in the northeast and 20 degrees in the southwest. On Wednesday the clouds are forecast to migrate north, otherwise it will mostly remain sunny and dry. The coldest is 14 degrees on the Baltic Sea, the warmest at 22 degrees on the Upper Rhine.

Weather in Germany: Flauer May-Sunday in large parts of the Republic

Update from May 3, 2020, 12.17 p.m .: It is not really cozy in Germany at the moment. The rain did far warped, the sun comes partly dense population but not completely through.

In Munich stand at a cool 12 degrees Celsius on the thermometer at lunchtime, come in the north Bremen and Hamburg to similar values.

However, it is somewhat warmer in the west of the Federal Republic. In Cologne if it is currently partly cloudy, but the sun does come through, temperatures up to 16 degrees are possible. It is currently the most uncomfortable in parts of eastern Germany. Light rain showers currently ensure 11 degrees in Leipzig and 12 in Magdeburg. Also in Berlin it is currently 12 degrees.

A drop in temperature and even the risk of frost: the weather forecast for the first half of May is extremely changeable

3:50 p.m .: May starts changing, but loudly wetter.com a new high should be felt from the middle of next week. It will then become sunnier and warmer, promises Meteorologist Corinna Borau. At the weekend there would even be 24 degrees in the south. Her colleague Paul Heger adds in another video: 30 degrees are “off the table”, that is a “clear statement”. Much worse: From Sunday it should become one Drop in temperature come.

The Ice saints will then announce itself punctually from May 11th, Heger will then only see a range of 10 to 15 degrees during the day. For the coming week, he already recognizes a risk of frost in the north and in the middle of Germany at night. But all of this is still linked to “uncertainty factors”. At the moment there is no “model security” for the week after next and beyond, ”says Heger.

Gloomy weather in Germany – but after that the trend turns

Update May 2, 2020, 9.29 a.m .: Lots of rain, lots of wind, cool temperatures: Low “Zlatina” ensures a rainy start to May. According to the forecast of the German Weather Service (DWD) from Friday, it will remain common until Sunday at temperatures of a maximum of 11 to 18 degrees. Only on the Upper Rhine is it with sun support on Sunday up to 20 degrees.

On Saturday it will DWD according to mostly rainy, individual thunderstorms are possible. The sun also shines over the middle of Germany. The maximum values ​​reach between 10 and 17 degrees depending on the sunshine. The wind blows gusty, in the south storms are also possible with thunderstorms.

German weather service with clear warning of storm gusts on May 1st

Update from May 1st, 6.33 a.m .: The German Weather Service warns today Gusts of wind with up to 60 km / h for almost all of Germany. The reason is cool sea air that flows from the west to Germany.

Are also isolated Storm gusts with up to 85 km / h in connection with thunderstorms not excluded.

Overall, early summer is over. The air cools down significantly. It gets wet and cold. During the night on Saturday, the temperatures can drop to 3 degrees, especially in the mountains. Maximum temperatures at night are around 9 degrees.

In the southeast, however, it can get warm again on Friday (May 1) before the cool air flow arrives in the evening.

Update from April 30, 11:51 a.m.: The Atlantic deep “Zlatina“Its center is slowly shifting from the British Isles across the North Sea towards Scandinavia. The consequences: from the west will move in the next few days cooler sea air to Germany. These West weather partly ensures according to the German Weather Service (DWD) strong thunderstorm with downpours. In addition, the wind freshens up. In exposed mountain locations, such as in the Black Forest, heavy gusts of wind (up to 100 km / h) are expected on Thursday afternoon, the DWD warns.

Rain, showers and thunderstorms – the changeable classic April weather plus the gusty wind stays with us in the first days of May. The rain is a blessing for nature. However, the amounts of rain are distributed quite differently. The south and the north get the most – up to 50 liters per square meter. In the east, it is probably up to 10 liters per square meter, according to the weather portal weather.com. It therefore remains rather dry along the Rhine. The temperatures are cooling down. The outlook for the weekend is classic April weather. The weather calmed down on Sunday. A trend is emerging for the next week, the weather portal tweets Kachelmann weather: namely dry weather.

Weather in Germany: finally rain!

Update from April 29, 8:09 a.m.: Abundant rain has plummeted low “Yve” especially Bavaria. In some regions in Upper Bavaria – for example in Holzkirchen, 30 liters fell in just one hour, the weather portal says wetteronline.de With. The Snow line in the Alps drops below 1800 meters on Wednesday.

Finally, rain! – many are happy. Because the April 2020 could be one of the driest in German weather history the German Weather Service (DWD) reports. And this “April summer” could be followed by a “corn summer”, fears meteorologist Dominik Jung from the weather service Q.met.

Even if the last days of April are a bit damp, quit after first weekend in May unusual values. Maximum values ​​up to 32 degrees are Monday through Wednesday possible next week, says the weather expert. That would be unusually high values ​​for the beginning of May.

Weather in Germany – After drought city wants to act against rain collectors

Update from April 28, 9:23 p.m .: The thunderstorm long-awaited in the drought has led to flooding in some places. For example, some cellars and an underpass were flooded in the Bavarian town of Otterfing.

In Aschaffenburg (Bavaria), the cool water was welcomed. Whoever flows illegally Water accumulation must, as Merkur.de * reports, with a fine calculate, the city announced. In Aschaffenburg, the groundwater level in the region is currently very low – and continues to decrease.

Weather in Germany: The south is bubbling – thunderstorms are heading for Germany

April 28 update: It starts! Atlantic lows mix up the weather kitchen in Germany. The first foothills come from the west and southwest. The fair weather high “Odilo” crumbles. He warns in southern Bavaria German weather service (DWD) on Tuesday afternoon violent thunderstorms with gusts of wind (up to 70 km / h) and Heavy rain. Up to 20 liters of rain can patter from the sky in a short time. It can rain up to 30 liters per square meter locally within six hours, the DWD weather experts warn. An almost dramatic start, because the last week of April continues very changeably and changeably. That means dense clouds, sunshine or individual showers as well as individual thunderstorms. Where it rains, it is of course a little cooler.

Has the weeks of drought in Germany now an end? The humid air from the Atlantic occasionally rains or at least a few rain showers, but for the vast majority of areas there is a flat rain of land, according to the weather portal wetterkanal.kachelmannwetter.com, out. It is often drier again on Wednesdays, especially in the western half.

The prospects for the first weekend in May are wet, volatile and stormy (see below). According to various weather experts, it is not yet possible to say whether Germany will experience a drought like the one in 2019. But in some parts of Germany the rain is “a drop in the ocean” in the next few days, tweets the DWD.

But after the weekend, some services report (Weather Online or iPhone weather) again and again hammer temperatures around 30 degrees. However, these predictions are not really consistent.

April 2020 has been very dry so far. It hardly rained in Germany until April 27th.

© dpa / Sebastian Gollnow

Weather in Germany: something is brewing – “The situation is changing fundamentally”

First report from April 27: Munich – Who these days in garden digs, encounters nothing but hard, dry earth – It hasn’t been raining for far too long. Strong sunshine, dry floors and little wind* left so-called in many places Dust devil arise: dirt that whirls through the air and can even lift chairs.

But farmers and hobby gardeners can breathe a sigh of relief: Already on Monday afternoon it is supposed to be individual in Bavaria Rain showers come. And from Tuesday it is with pure sunshine First of all for everyone, the German Weather Service tweets:

What comes after that, hobby gardeners and sun worshipers can expect mixed feelings.

Weather in Germany: May 1st will be uncomfortable

“The weather situation is changing fundamentally,” predicts wetteronline.de for the last days of April on Wednesday and Thursday. We are expecting rain at 11 to 18 degrees – so much that enough will be received in most gardens. Only for a few Regions in the north it could pour less than 5 liters per square meter from the sky – far too little for the dried out soils.

That also May 1st rain and only brings 9 to 17 degrees, should make many planned family trips a nasty spanner in the works. If she Bicycle tours on Saturday and Sunday can be made up for is questionable: Even then the rain will determine the days.

Weather in Germany: summer approaching?

At least on Monday and Tuesday they win again Sun worshipers Prevail. The temperatures rise to 25 degrees, locally scratching the 25 degrees mark. But be careful: Heat storm are possible!

Whether it goes on like this and we are on Summer in May can look forward to? According to wetteronline.de, this is still completely in the stars: More lows could bring long-lasting rain, but the air pressure may also rise and bring in new high.

In March there will be some new rules and laws all over Germany. An overview of the changes.

* Merkur.de is part of the Germany-wide Ippen-Digital editors network.

List of rubric lists: © picture alliance / dpa / Patrick Pleul

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