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Germany: They went mushroom picking. They returned to the country with huge fines

Not only in Poland, but all over Europe, mushroom pickers went into the forests. In other countries, however, mushroom picking is subject to much stricter regulations than in our country. People who do not comply with them must expect high fines and fines.

Expensive mushroom picking. Fines for over PLN 7,000 euro

This was the case of four men who wanted to cross the border into Switzerland in Hohentengen (Germany). Customs officers discovered that two Swiss, an Italian and an Austrian citizen in their cars had baskets, bags and even garbage bags filled to the brim with mushrooms.

The Baden-Württemberg Forest Act allows collecting forest fruit (including mushrooms), but only in small quantities. This is a maximum of one kilogram per person per day. In addition, collecting is prohibited, among others: in nature reserves, national parks and private forests.

It turned out that the four men had a total of 71 kg of mushrooms, including species protected in Germany. Customs officers imposed fines totaling EUR 7,200 (approx. PLN 31,000) on the men for violating the Forest Act.

Although the amount seems large, mushroom pickers can still be lucky – for a similar offense you can receive a fine of PLN 10,000. euro (approx. PLN 43,000), and in special cases this amount may reach up to PLN 50,000. euro (approx. PLN 215,000).

It is unclear why the men collected so many mushrooms. Perhaps they were intended for sale – the price of mushrooms in Switzerland can reach up to 80 euros per kilogram. In Germany, the sale of mushrooms without a permit is prohibited.

However, it is clear that the mushrooms will not end up on your plate or for sale. Customs officers decided to destroy the collection.

Mushroom picking in Poland. What are the penalties and fines?

In Poland, mushroom picking in State Forests it is legal, free and unlimited. However, please remember that in some places mushroom picking is completely prohibited. This includes, among others, game refuges, protected areas (such as national parks or reserves), seed stands and experimental areas, crops up to 4 m high and military areas. For mushroom picking in prohibited places you can get a fine of PLN 500.

You can also receive a penalty for picking protected mushrooms. If the case goes to court, the fine for this type of offense may reach up to PLN 5,000.

Moreover, mushroom collection in private forests can only take place with the permission of their owners. It is not uncommon for the owner of such a forest to completely prohibit anyone from entering his area. However, he must then mark the area with special information boards. An unruly mushroom picker who, despite the above-mentioned prohibition, enters a private forest and picks mushrooms may be subject to a fine.

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