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Germany. The pace of the strain slows down. 100 euro for each vaccinated person could help | News from the world

So far, around 41 million Germans have been fully vaccinated against the coronavirus, and another 9.5 million have received at least the first dose of the preparation. Last Sunday in Germany 30,671 first doses of vaccine were administered, which is the lowest daily vaccination score since February 7 this year.

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Slower vaccination rates in Germany. “Decent” result, but “still not enough”

As the journalist noted on Tuesday “The mirror“Stefan Kaiser, the result is” decent “, but” still not enough. “He recalled that epidemiologists believe that at least 85% of the population must be fully vaccinated to achieve so-called herd immunity, which could contain further spread coronavirus outbreak.

“In the case of Germany, it would be 70.7 million people. So it remains to be convinced [do szczepienia – red.] about 20 million That’s quite a lot, “wrote Kaiser.” But even if herd immunity is not achieved, the more people get vaccinated, the less there will be infections, hospital admissions and deaths. Thus, another lockdown seems less likely “- he added.

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The author of the article noted that the pace was slowing down vaccinations in Germany was not caused by a vaccine shortage. “In principle, any adult can be vaccinated in all parts of the country. But many have not yet done so – out of fear, laziness or ignorance,” he said.

“As we now know, the percentage of unvaccinated people in some groups is particularly high: among young, poorly educated and economically disadvantaged people,” reported Kaiser, who assessed that the efforts made so far by the German government to reach these groups were “rather unfortunate”. The journalist added that “the official advertising campaign of the federal government caused more mockery than enthusiasm.”

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100 euro each for a full immunization? “It comes out cheaper than lockdown”

The German government last weekend explored the possibility of introducing something like mandatory vaccination, “indirectly by excluding unvaccinated people from restaurants or other pleasures of life,” wrote Kaiser. People reacted differently – “from reserved to contemptuous.” A journalist for the weekly “Der Spiegel” expressed doubts as to whether similar practices and coercion were an appropriate way to persuade citizens to vaccinate.

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The journalist recalled that a few weeks ago economists came up with a “more elegant” idea – to pay people for full vaccination. Stefan Kaiser referred to research which shows that the amount should not be too low, because then the opposite effect would be achieved – the desire to be vaccinated among people would decrease rather than increase. The author pointed out that the offered sum of EUR 100 for the completed vaccination course could already be achieved – especially among young people and in a weak financial situation. The Kaiser believes that money should also be given to those who have been fully vaccinated for a long time.

“It would cost our country a lot of money – a good seven billion euros are needed for an 85 percent vaccination limit – but it would still be much cheaper than spending another year in constant fear of a lockdown” – he noted. “This fear also paralyzes the economic recovery, as the Ifo index has just once again demonstrated: In July, Germany’s most important economic barometer fell for the first time since the beginning of the year, prompted by companies’ fear of the fourth wave,” wrote Kaiser.

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Germany. The current pandemic situation

According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), a total of 3,756,856 cases of infections have been detected in Germany since the beginning of January 2020 COVID-19, while 91 527 thousand died. people. In the last 24 hours, there were 958 new cases of coronavirus cases. Three people died.

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