Home » today » News » Germany Sees Decrease in Birth Rate: 693,000 Babies Born in 2023, Lowest Since 2013

Germany Sees Decrease in Birth Rate: 693,000 Babies Born in 2023, Lowest Since 2013

There is a baby boom in Germany! Last year, 693,000 babies were born – the lowest number since 2013. First births (322,000) even fell to their lowest level in 15 years. This is shown by figures from the Federal Statistical Office.

Compared to 2022 (738,819), births fell 6.2 percent in 2023, and experts are already warning that our society is getting older and older, among other things. The interest rate they will no longer be funded in the future because there are too few young people who could pay into the pension fund.

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Emergencies, wars, explosive charges – reasons to resist Kind There is much to decide. But why do the Germans still have children? BILD asked around.

Julia Weisser (32, insurance clerk) and her husband Viktor (35, project manager) from Eisfeld (Thuringia)

“I am now 5 months pregnant. Everything is fine, we know it’s a girl. We are very much looking forward to this, because despite all crises and wars: There is nothing more beautiful than a child’s smile. We already know this because our three-year-old son Lennard brings us a lot of joy every day. We are happy to have this second child because we strongly believe that all crises will pass at some point. “

Julia Weissner (32) and her husband Viktor (35). Thuringia

Photo: Marcus Scheidel/MAS Bildagentur

Christine Thor (37, maths teacher) from Erfurt (Thuringia)

“My son Carlos is now twelve weeks old and he was born prematurely in the 37th week of pregnancy. I love my children, because my six-year-old daughter Mila is part of the family. I have not allowed myself to be deterred by the current crises – there is always a crisis and also war, unfortunately. But there is always a solution for everything, I am strongly convinced of that. And I am sure: children will always be born. “

Christine Thor (37) and her son Carlos (twelve weeks)

Christine Thor (37) and her son Carlos (twelve weeks)

Photo: Marcus Scheidel/MAS Bildagentur

Electrician Daniel (36) and geriatric nurse Julia (33) with Charlett (3 weeks)

“We already have two daughters, 14 and 16. And now Charlett has joined us, she is three weeks old. The first child just happened. We really wanted the latter, but it didn’t work out at first. Just when we were already ready it suddenly worked. I had such a desire to help such a small creature into the world again.”

“When you hold your baby in your hands, it’s true love. You should have a stable environment, and then you can start breeding. Everything has become more difficult. “

Electrician Daniel (36) and geriatric nurse Julia (33) with Charlett (three weeks)

Electrician Daniel (36) and geriatric nurse Julia (33) with Charlett (three weeks)

Photo: Fabian Matzerath

Yaryna Noori (23, seller) and Hamid Noori (23, worker) with Adele (10 months) from Cologne

“Children are simply the most beautiful thing in the world! I don’t understand if you just see the problems and therefore you don’t want to have children. Here in Germany everyone has every chance! I escaped from Ukraine two years ago, I learned German in eight months, I met my husband, and we have a little girl. What more could I want? “

From Cologne: Yaryna Noori (23) and Hamid Noori (23) with their daughter Adele (ten months)

out of Cologne: Yaryna Noori (23) and Hamid Noori (23) mit Tochter Adele (zehn Monate)

Photo: Sven Moschitz

Elisabeth Fontes (26) with Alessandro (4 months) from Langen (Hesse)

“I’ve always wanted to have children, ideally three or four. I always wanted to be a young mother too. Then I can understand my children better when they are older and empathize with them. I am currently on parental leave. I don’t think what’s next.”

Elisabeth Fontes (26) with Alessandro (four months) from Hesse

Elisabeth Fontes (26) with Alessandro (four months). Hesse

Photo: Sven Moschitz

Jenna Dolov (28, educator) with Noah (5 months) from Gelnhausen (Hesse)

“I am an educator and I love children. But I also know what it means to look after them and care for them. That’s why I understand when someone says: ‘I can’t deal with children, I’m afraid of responsibility and I don’t want children’.”

Jenna Dolov (28) with her son Noah (five months)

Jenna Dolov (28) with her son Noah (five months)

Photo: Sven Moschitz

Izabela Milosevic (29), high school teacher from Nürtingen

“Children are the meaning of life. I would like three, I am pregnant with the second one. If you want some, you don’t look at the world political situation or the current inflation rate.”

Izabela Milosevic (29)

Izabela Milosevic (29)

Photo: Michael Hahn

Cornelia Tabel (32), project manager from Kirchheim/Teck

“I’m seven months pregnant and expecting a girl. Children were born even during war. My husband and I have a regular income. Financial security makes the decision to have a child easier.”

Cornelia's Table (32)

Cornelia’s Table (32)

Photo: Michael Hahn

Officer Gino (34) with his daughter Malea (1)

“I have two children with my wife. This is important to me because I grew up in a family with two other sisters. To me, that’s part of life. I’m 34 now and had my first child when I was 30, which I think is a bit late! It was clear to me that I only wanted to do this when I found the right partner with whom I wanted to stay with for the rest of my life, God willing. This is not something you should do by hook or by crook just to have a baby.”

Gino (34) with his daughter Malea (1)

Gino (34) with his daughter Malea (1)

Photo: Fabian Matzerath

2024-05-04 10:42:32
#children #hold #baby #hands #true #love

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