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Germany is suffering from a shortage of blood donations.

Germany has a blood shortage.

Germany is currently experiencing a blood donation shortage, mainly due to the European Football Championship and the holiday season. This critical situation is particularly widespread in North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland and Lower Saxony, as reported by the German Red Cross (DRK). As a result, some medical procedures have been postponed. Young people in particular are being urged to tackle this problem.

According to Patric Nohe, press spokesman for the German Red Cross blood donation services, around 15,000 blood donations are needed every day throughout Germany. However, competition from leisure activities makes it difficult to meet the requirements in some areas. The German Red Cross stocks are being used up and are almost exhausted.

Although Nohe admits that blood is currently in short supply, he stresses that there is no nationwide blood supply emergency. Anyone who needs blood and goes to the hospital will still receive a transfusion. The Red Cross is responsible for about 75 percent of all national blood donations.

“Opportunity for improvement”

According to Nohe, the current blood shortage can be attributed to the recent holidays, the European Football Championship and the holiday season, which coincidentally reduce donors’ willingness to donate and make it difficult to build up reserves as blood has a short shelf life.

The situation is acute in North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland and Lower Saxony, and operations in hospitals have been postponed as a result. Nevertheless, there is “room for improvement” nationwide. Nohe stresses the importance of making maximum use of all upcoming donation appointments in order to maintain supplies of vital blood products.

Young blood needed

To encourage more people to donate blood, the German Red Cross (DRK) is using maximum logistical and advertising measures, says Nohe. Currently, the majority of blood donors in Germany come from the baby boomer generation. However, many older people cannot donate due to medication or health problems, even though the age limit has been abolished. For this reason, young blood donors are particularly needed: “Two annual donations can have a significant impact.”

If the situation continues, more hospital procedures may have to be postponed. Nohe warns that “blood cannot be produced artificially.” Without donations, a serious crisis could quickly develop.

Given the current shortage of blood donations in Germany due to the European Football Championship and the holiday season, Nohe of the German Red Cross Blood Donation Service emphasizes the “opportunity for improvement” nationwide. He suggests making the most of all upcoming donation appointments to maintain supplies of vital blood products. In addition, the German Red Cross specifically appeals to young people to donate blood, as “young blood donors are especially needed” to address the critical situation.

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