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Germany identifies almost all of the Netherlands as a risk area | NOW

On Friday, Germany significantly expanded the part of the Netherlands that is considered a risk area for corona. It now concerns the entire country, except for the provinces of Zeeland and Limburg.

This new information is on the website of the Robert Koch Institute, the German counterpart of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). South and North Holland and Utrecht were previously designated as risk areas.

Travelers from risk areas must be able to show a negative corona test in Germany, the result of which must not be older than 48 hours. Travelers who are unable to do this must undergo preventive testing. Travelers are allowed to enter the country pending the test result, but on the condition that they go into quarantine.

The authorities hope that these measures will deter vacationers from going to risk areas. Berlin also banned Scotland and parts of England, while in Austria two areas were again labeled as safe.

Since last month, the Netherlands has been struggling with a rapid increase in the number of corona infections. On Friday, another day record was reported with 3,831 positive tests. The Netherlands is introducing more and more corona measures because of the negative developments in the figures.

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