Home » today » World » Germany Bans Hamas and Samidoun Activities: Demonstrations Prohibited – AFP Demonstration in Duisburg Last Month

Germany Bans Hamas and Samidoun Activities: Demonstrations Prohibited – AFP Demonstration in Duisburg Last Month

AFP demonstration in Duisburg last month. The Samidoun organization is now banned

NOS Nieuws•vandaag, 22:49

Charlotte Waaijers

Germany correspondent

Charlotte Waaijers

Germany correspondent

Germany has banned all activities of Hamas and the pro-Palestinian network Samidoun. The government wants to send a stronger signal against what it sees as anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic propaganda. Since Hamas’s attack on Israel, social tension has also increased in Germany.

Chancellor Scholz announced the ban three weeks ago. According to Minister Faeser (Home Affairs), her ministry has now been able to convert this into legislation in record time by working day and night on it. Normally this often takes months. The Jewish community is happy with the bans, but there is criticism that they come very late.

No association, but active

Hamas is already considered a terrorist organization in Germany, but has no official branch there. That made it more difficult to tackle people active for Hamas as a group.

This would involve about 450 people, the domestic security service says. They would try to avoid external associations with Hamas, but in practice they would support and finance the ideology and goals. That goal amounts to the destruction of Israel.

Instead of an offer for Hamas as an ‘association’, the Minister of the Interior has now declared a ban on all activities in Germany that support Hamas. This now also includes expressions of support during demonstrations.


Samidoun can be seen as an association in Germany. It is estimated that several dozen people are active. The organization claims to be a network for supporting Palestinian prisoners in their struggle for freedom.

But according to Minister Faeser, this is a ‘cover’, and the network is in fact spreading anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic propaganda. “In addition, Samidoun also supported and glorified some foreign terrorist organizations, including Hamas.”

A few hours after Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, small groups of people in Berlin took to the streets to celebrate. Some handed out sweets, news reports about this caused a stir in Germany.

According to Minister Faeser, these celebrations showed Samidoun’s anti-Semitic, inhuman worldview in a “particularly disgusting way.” She wants to put an end to that completely with this ban.

The new ban means that, in addition to financial aid, expressions of support and other activities for these organizations are now punishable. Anyone guilty of this can receive a fine or even a prison sentence of up to a year. Assets of the organizations can also be frozen and taken away.

Great sense of responsibility

Meanwhile, the atmosphere in Germany has become a lot grimmer. There are reports of homes of Jewish people being painted with Stars of David, and a failed fire attempt on a synagogue. Security at synagogues, among others, has been increased. Jews indicate that they feel less safe, a fact that many Germans find very painful.

Due to the large-scale persecution and destruction of Jews during the Second World War, Germany still feels an enormous responsibility for protecting the Jewish community and Israel. Chancellor Scholz calls Israel’s security German Reason of State: Israel’s continued existence is therefore in fact on a par with its own state interests.

Demonstrations prohibited

There have been several pro-Palestinian demonstrations in Germany in recent weeks, some of which have gotten out of hand, especially in Berlin. At the same time, at least 17 demonstrations have been banned in the capital alone, for fear of escalation and anti-Semitic slogans.

Now that there is a ban on openly supporting Hamas or Samidoun and this is also punishable, it will become even more important to distinguish between the different motivations of participants during demonstrations. Expressing support for Palestinians has therefore become even more complicated. Pro-Palestinian demonstrations without a link to Hamas can probably continue.

2023-11-02 21:49:53
#Germany #tackles #support #Hamas #including #demonstrations

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