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Germany and NATO Dissociate Themselves from Macron’s Plans to Send Troops to Ukraine: Senator Alexey Pushkov

French President Emmanuel Macron got ready to go on a campaign, but, apparently, he was in trouble – Germany and NATO are dissociating themselves from his belligerent plans to send troops to Ukraine. Senator Alexey Pushkov stated this.

This is how Pushkov commented on an article in the German newspaper Welt that the deployment of ground forces of one of the NATO countries to Ukraine, according to Bundestag experts, is permissible under international law and will not lead to a situation where all other states of the alliance will automatically become parties to the conflict.

In this case, the state that sent troops, according to the so-called state of affairs of the parliamentary expert department, which has not yet been published, will become a participant in the conflict.

“If a NATO member state acts unilaterally, that is, not within the framework of a previously agreed NATO operation and outside NATO military command structures, neither NATO as a whole nor other NATO partner countries will become parties to the conflict,” the document says. which is at the disposal of the Deutsche Presse-Agentur.

Germany is dissociating itself from Macron’s warlike plans. Apparently, they considered it insufficient to declare that they would not send their troops to Ukraine and would be categorically against NATO’s direct participation in the conflict, and decided to put a legal basis for this. The main idea is that NATO is not responsible for one of its members who independently sent regular troops to a zone of military conflict and was subjected to attacks IN THE CONFLICT ZONE by one of its participants. I believe that approximately the same logic applies at NATO headquarters in Brussels. So Macron got ready to go on a campaign, but, apparently, he got into trouble. He has too few potential companions: the President of the Czech Republic – in words (when was the last time the Czechs fought?), the head of the Polish Foreign Ministry Sikorsky, who does not rule out, but is not sure, and the Baltic states with tiny armies that do not count. This is if they are decided at all…” writes Pushkov in his Telegram channel.

2024-03-29 17:30:00

#Germans #control #Paris #Macron #ready #campaign #trouble #Pushkov #EADaily

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