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German Spelling Council Chairman Voices Concerns over Lower Saxony Allowing Exam Modifications

Hanover (dpa / lni) – The chairman of the Council of German Spelling is critical that schoolchildren in Lower Saxony are allowed to change exams. The federal state is taking a “special path”, said Josef Lange to the “Göttinger Tageblatt” (Saturday edition). “I am concerned when individual states in the Federal Republic deviate from the uniform spelling in the German-speaking area.”

Special characters within a word such as a colon, underscore or gender asterisk do not exist in German spelling. “They lead to not inconsiderable grammatical problems because sentences are either incorrect or very complicated,” said Lange in an interview with the newspaper. Language must be understandable, readable and translatable.

According to the Lower Saxony Ministry of Education, gendering is not considered a violation of linguistic accuracy. Nevertheless, teachers should not ask students to use special characters in the middle of words in order to write in a gender-sensitive manner.

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2023-09-03 09:37:23
#Criticism #special #path #gendering #schools

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