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German Solar Panel Installations Skyrocket in 2023, Expected to Rise Further in 2024

Jan 2, 2024 at 4:12 PM Update: 20 minutes ago

Germans had more than twice as many solar panels installed on their homes last year as in the previous year. Companies are also keen on the panels. Demand is expected to rise further this year.

This is reported by the BSW, the German association for companies in the solar sector. More than a million solar energy systems were installed last year. These include panels on the roofs of homes or offices as well as solar parks that energy suppliers have installed.

The new installations together generate 14 gigawatts of power. About 7 gigawatts of this comes from households that have had panels installed on their roofs.

All solar energy projects in Germany together generate 62 billion kilowatt hours of electricity. That is about 12 percent of the total power consumption of our eastern neighbors.

According to the BSW, the demand for solar panels will remain stable this year. A study shows that around one and a half million German households plan to purchase panels.

Solar panels became financially less attractive in the Netherlands

This is a big contrast with the Netherlands. Panels were also popular in our country for a long time, but in the course of the past year they came to an end. This was mainly because they became less financially attractive.

For example, there is uncertainty about the continued existence of the netting scheme. There are also energy suppliers who charge a feed-in fee. In addition, gas is no longer as expensive as in 2022, which means that switching to high electricity consumption offers fewer benefits. It therefore takes longer to earn back the panels.

Beeld: Getty Images

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2024-01-02 15:12:21
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