It is not clear why the man was vaccinated so often. The German was already in the news two years ago because of his urge to be vaccinated. An employee at the vaccination center in Dresden became suspicious because he recognized the man. When the man subsequently appeared again at a vaccination center, the staff called the police.
The German was suspected at the time of selling the vaccination certificates he received to people who did not want a vaccination, but did want proof. The Public Prosecution Service proved that the man had been vaccinated at least 134 times, but did not prosecute him for fraud. The man himself states that he has been vaccinated 217 times.
According to the German Red Cross, the man was able to make so many vaccination appointments because he only provided his name and date of birth and not his insurance number.
In the newspaper
The researchers from the University of Erlanen-Nuremberg read about the man in the newspaper and decided to contact him through the Public Prosecution Service. The German was open to a medical examination into the effects of the many Covid vaccines he took.
Researchers took blood and saliva samples and did so again when the man received another vaccination at his own insistence. They compared the results with previous blood samples that had been saved from the man.
The man took a total of eight different vaccines, including the well-known mRNA vaccines. They work by showing the body cells a piece of genetic code from the virus. The researchers feared that the man’s immune system had been compromised by the extreme amount of injections he had taken, but no evidence of this was found. His immune system is fully functional, the researchers say.
It also showed researchwhich was published in the scientific journal The Lancet, that the man has never had corona.
Not recommended
Researcher and microbiologist Kilian Schober emphasizes on the university’s website that the research results from this one specific case are insufficient to draw general conclusions. “Current research shows that a three-dose vaccination, coupled with regular additional vaccines for vulnerable groups, remains the preferred approach. There is no evidence that more vaccines are needed.”
2024-03-05 21:49:15
#German #vaccinated #corona #times