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German ISIS Bride Accused of Killing Yazidi Girl Turned to Sex Slave


BERLIN – A German woman who became a bride ISIS in Iraq was tried in a Munich court on charges of murdering a girl Yazidi five year old who was made a sex slave. Members of the terrorist group are currently undergoing sentencing hearings on Monday (10/25/2021).

He was accused of committing war crimes for letting a Yazidi girl die of thirst in the sun.

Jennifer Wenisch (30) faces a maximum sentence of life in prison if convicted of murder and war crimes.

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He has also been indicted on charges of being a member of a terrorist organization and charges of violating the German Weapons Control Act.

German prosecutors accused Wenisch and her husband, members of ISIS, of “buying” a Yazidi woman and daughter as slaves. The two “bought” people were captured in Mosul, Iraq, in 2015.

“After the girl fell ill and wet her bed, the husband of the defendant chained her outside as punishment and allowed the child to die of thirst in the scorching heat,” the prosecutor’s indictment read, as quoted AFP.

“The defendant let her husband do it and did nothing to save the girl.”

Wenisch’s husband, Taha al-Jumailly, also faces trial in separate proceedings in Frankfurt, where the verdict will be handed down in late November 2021.

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