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German Eurosceptic Calls for Potential ‘Dexit’ Referendum, Following UK’s EU Exit

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16:41, 22 January 2024

Alise Videle, co-chairman of the Eurosceptic party “Alternative for Germany” (AfD), said on Monday that Britain’s referendum on leaving the European Union (EU) could serve as a model for Germany as well.

In an interview with the British newspaper “Financial Times”, Videle admitted that she would support a referendum on future EU membership if the AfD failed to achieve radical reforms of the bloc.

Videle, who has held the position of co-chair of the party since 2022, has announced that in the future the government formed by the AfD will try to achieve EU reforms in order to eliminate the current “democratic deficit” in the bloc, including limiting the powers of the “unwanted executive” – ​​the European Commission (EC).

“but if reforms will not be possible, if we fail to restore the sovereignty of the EU member states, we must let the people decide, just as Great Britain did,” emphasized Videle. “And we will have a referendum on “Dexit” – on Germany’s withdrawal from the EU.”

Polls show that a large majority of Germans support the EU and are not interested in leaving the bloc.

At the same time, polls show that AfD’s popularity has increased recently, with the party coming in second place with 23% support, behind only the opposition conservatives (CDU/CSU).



2024-01-22 14:47:07
#cochairman #Eurosceptic #party #Alternative #Germany #British #referendum #leaving #model #Germany

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