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German Covid Go Crazy! Up 10 Times, All Time Record

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia Germany has recorded all-time daily Covid-19 infection cases. There were 65,371 infections and 261 additional deaths recorded as of Thursday (11/18/2021). Health officials warn the actual number of cases could be two or three times as many.

As a result of this increase, Germany agreed to new, more stringent restrictions. The new rules will close access to restaurants, sporting events and cultural performances to those who have not been vaccinated.

The leaders of Germany’s 16 states agreed to the rules after talks with Chancellor Angela Merkel.

“We need to urgently put the brakes on the exponential rise in cases and occupancy of intensive care beds,” Merkel said, adding that the situation was “very dramatic”.

“The fourth wave is hitting our country with full force. The number of new infections every day is higher than before … and the daily death toll is also frightening,” he said, adding it was not too late if people wanted to be vaccinated now.

Later those who have not been vaccinated will later be asked to give a negative Covid test result when using public transportation or going to the office.

Not only that, those who have not been vaccinated will also be barred from certain public spaces in areas with hospitalization rates of more than three patients per 100,000 people over the past seven days.

Currently, all of Germany’s 16 states except Hamburg, Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein and Saarland have hospitalization rates above three.

Meanwhile, to protect the most vulnerable groups of people, they also agreed to introduce mandatory vaccination for health workers and employees in nursing homes.

The “2G” rule, which only allows vaccinated and recovered, will apply to large events as well as recreational and sports facilities. The “2G” rule refers to the status of a person being vaccinated “geimpft” or recovered “genesen” in German.

Areas with hospitalization rates over six must apply the “2G plus” rule, under which participants need to be tested and vaccinated, and areas with rates above nine must implement additional measures such as contact restrictions.

For information, after a strong push in the spring, the vaccination rate in Germany stagnated during the summer to just under 70%. As a result of not being vaccinated, there has been a spike in Covid-19 cases in Germany.

Germany now has a total of 5,233,821 infections and 99,169 deaths as of Friday (11/19/2021), according to Worldometers data.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]


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