Home » today » Entertainment » German captain conquers the hearts of the British with Star Wars march

German captain conquers the hearts of the British with Star Wars march

Berlin. A corvette arrives in London. Its captain plays music that throws all prejudices about humorless Germans overboard.

British humor is black, dry and irreverent. German humor is – a case for a missing person report. The German Marine has now shattered the cliché of the humorless German: She caused laughter in London and a huge stir online.

Capital Inside by Jörg Quoos, Editor-in-Chief of the FUNKE Central Editorial Office

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“The Germans have finally made it,” writes one user on Instagram. “So they have a sense of humor,” notes another. A third adds, “the irony is strong here.” He could also have written in the style of Master Yoda, “may the irony be with you” – then everyone would be on the right track: Star WarsBut let’s start from the beginning, what happened?

BBC gives the all-clear: “Panic over”

When entering or leaving port, ships often, but not always, play a melody. The captain of the corvette F260 Braunschweig chose the “Imperial Mach” when his ship was on the Thames drove, of course the crew stood in line. In the science fiction series “Star Wars” – for example in the part “The Empire Strikes Back” – the dark, ominous march announces the arrival of the evil ones.

The British won the Second World War against Nazi Germany. But evil, preferably in German uniforms – it was, is and remains a scary fascinationThis time there was no invasion planned, nor the arrival of a Death Star. The selection did not contain any deeper message, the Navy assured. “The commander is free to choose the music.”

Marine in London: Playing with the old villain image

A whim, then? More than that: The game with the yellowed villain image was a hit. Many passers-by were first surprised and then amused. The time-honored BBC gave the all-clear on X: “Panic over.”

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The corvette arrived in the British capital at the weekend for a short supply stop, and has just left again. galactic appearance in London still resonates.

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