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Geriatriedag V&VN 2023 | V&VN

We are delighted and excited to announce Geriatrics Day V&VN 2023!

Geriatric care is constantly evolving and developing at lightning speed. To share this experience within the profession, V&VN Geriatrics and Gerontology is organizing its 1st V&VN Geriatrics Day on 10 February 2023 in Hart van Holland in Nijkerk.

The meeting point for managers, nurses, caregivers, specialist nurses and nursing consultants active in the field of geriatrics and elderly care.

We are currently working hard on an interesting conference program, in which the multidisciplinary character of these target groups is central. The program will consist of plenary lectures and interactive workshops / symposia. There is also space for scientific research through posters and presentations of oral abstracts. And for this last part we turn to you!

Share your project, scientific research or other interesting developments in the field of geriatrics and aged care with colleagues! You can do this by submitting an abstract for an oral or poster presentation.

Presentation of a poster
During breaks there is an easy way to exchange knowledge and experiences with colleagues on your poster!

Oral presentation
You will be given 10 minutes, including 8 minutes for speaking, within the conference program to present your research / project.

Deadline: 1 December 2022. More information: www.congresscare.com.


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