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GERB was told why Boyko Rashkov is hiding

GERB has information that Boyko Rashkov was checked by KPCONPI. However, the party has not received an official answer as to whether this is a hoax, the chairwoman of the GERB-SDS parliamentary group, Desislava Atanasova, announced in an interview with NovaNews.

Rashkov suffered his greatest shame with the arrest of Borisov, and he did not even apologize. Rashkov would be the stick of KPCONPI, as it was in the elections, Atanasova also said.

According to her, the proposed anti-corruption law is a mechanical collection of legal norms leading to chaos.

“The authorities demonstrated a lack of experience and arrogance. This was the first Bulgarian parliament with a successful vote of no confidence. They were a clear example of how not to run a country. To say that the opposition is afraid of fighting corruption is legal nonsense. If they had evidence of corruption, they would have taken them out. Petkov enriched entertainment shows with his lack of linguistic culture,” she said.

And he added that it has become clear that the mob, ruled by text messages, cannot rule.

“We hope that Radev appreciates his mistake and deeply regrets it,” she noted on the occasion of the president’s support for PP and Petkov.

According to her, LNG ships are “mythical” and she does not believe in their existence. “We do not see a lower price of gas and guaranteed supplies, and this will face the caretaker government with a big problem. There will probably be an economic collapse. There is a huge threat that Sofia will be left without heating,” Atanasova is categorical.

She expressed confidence that GERB will be the first political force in the upcoming elections and will govern.

Atanasova announced that the negotiations for Azeri gas began with the initiative of President Parvanov and were continued by Borisov. “Petkov has no reason to take credit for himself. Bulgaria is still paying Gazprom for capacity, and we still receive Russian gas. but at a higher price and through intermediaries. If we were in power, we would not have delayed the Greek connection. We would have a more serious commitment to the stock quantities in Chiren”, emphasized the chairman of the PG of GERB.

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