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GERB MP with a chilling story about Borissov. The reason

Boyko Borissov must have affected a lot of people, among them is Mr. Vasil Bozhkov. He began to take revenge. This was stated by Radomir Cholakov from GERB on the air of Nova TV on the occasion of the arrest of Boyko Borosov.

“The truth is that we also thought that they could kill Boyko Borissov, but no one wanted to say it out loud. The brutality with which he was approached is unprecedented for politicians of his rank, “Cholakov said.

To the accusations that similar arrests took place during the GERB rule, Cholakov replied that they were organized by the former member of the party Tsvetan Tsvetanov. He admitted that he never approved of this approach.

He declined to say where such a threat might come from, but said there were many people who may have felt affected by the former prime minister, said businessman Vasil Bozhkov.

“All the events started after Bozhkov left for Dubai. He has been taking revenge ever since. And Boyko Rashkov became his lawyer yesterday, “said the GERB MP, adding that Prime Minister Kiril Petkov posed a threat to Bulgaria’s national security.


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