check out Shakira and Gerard Pique split they still don’t budge. After the artist published the song in which settles accounts with the ex and his mistress, media interest in the expara only increased. More facts about how their relationship ended are still coming to light.
Gerard shows his new beloved more and more boldly
though Pique she tries her best to normalize her relationship with the 23-year-old Clara Chia Martiand recently even boasted about them a joint photoit seems that it will be a long time before their love is socially accepted.
The rest of the article under the video
See also: Kasprzyk promotes the book and complains about Shakira’s popularity
Pique’s partner can’t handle the hate
However, the confusion does not reflect negatively only on the player. As reported by “El Periodico”, his new partner it is getting worse and worse at dealing with sudden recognition and hatethat flows over it. It is true that most of the time Clara “hides” at the sportsman’s house in La Cerdanya or with her parents and experiences unpleasantness anyway.
People stop her on the street and they sing a Shakira song. Everyone recognizes her and she is quite a shy girl – describes the girl’s everyday life Lorraine Vazquez from the “Mamarazzis” podcast.
Clara Chia Marti’s Health Problems
Marti, who was presented as the culprit of the breakup of the star couple’s relationship, losing her anonymity overnight, feels so overwhelmed that she has recently been forced to use professional help. As a result anxiety attack Clara reportedly went to a private clinic in Barcelona, where She asked for psychological help.
She couldn’t take the pressure anymore after an anxiety attack, she had to be treated in a private clinic in BarcelonaQuironsalud Hospital. Pique’s girlfriend is overwhelmed and the constant harassment on social media is taking a heavy toll on her – we read in “El Periodico”.
In one of the latest articles of the “Marca” daily, the journalist’s words were quoted Saula Ortiza:
Clara was at her parents’ house for about eight days, working remotely. She needed shelter because her mental state is not good. It’s not easy being a 23-year-old girl and being on the lips of Spain and the whole world. It took its toll on her and she had to take this step – describes the fact that she used specialist help.
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A shy girl … who crawls into bed to a busy man. According to me, I don’t feel sorry for her, but the cheater should get the same as the lover
nirle I thought about it, eating jam from the fridge and strutting around in someone else’s house, parading around in someone else’s clothes
I don’t feel sorry for her at all.
And what did she expect fanfare prostitute and flowers ostracism nothing more
Recent Comments (143)
A woman fell in love with a rich footballer who did not get along with his partner. Love is blind, but all the cesspools, of course, go to her, not to the guy.
She wasn’t shy at the go-go club where she worked, she wasn’t shy when she got into Pique’s bed and other clients, how she rummaged around Shakira’s house and things and devoured her jam and stuff. Now how does she bear the consequences of her insolence has become shy?
and very well. she’s not a poor girl who was fooled by a taken guy and didn’t know he was taken. She knew perfectly well that she had someone and who it was! now let him suffer the consequences of his actions.
Lips, insta photo and panic attack? I don’t know, don’t judge me…..???
Well done Shakira, now a girl, actually a girl (it’s a very young person and they are less resistant) can commit suicide thanks to this song and lynching. If S had class, she would say: listen fans, my ex did wrong, he cheated on me, his relationship with the other one hurts me a lot, but don’t lynch the girl and she drives this machine herself and it will end tragically
It’s boring already
4 min.
but what a lover they were not in a formal relationship with Shakira
This girl is not ugly, but for that environment she is weak. A high school helmet. Just like a million in the hallways of every school.
and it should go to the state!!!
It’s not worth sacrificing for a guy. What was it for? Not only is the hate going to leave her anyway sooner or later. I’m grateful to chicks that they do this to themselves. In the name of what? Great Romantic Love? No objective thinking.
I wish people would stop criticizing her
Not that it was like this here, because it’s obvious that we don’t know what and how … But when my guy wrote to his girlfriend on the side, I won’t come today, because she starts to suspect something, she will appear in a few days, then the girl: Better rydz than nothing. … and I made a screenshot because I couldn’t believe it
Oh my, I don’t feel bad for her at all. Just like I don’t feel sorry for any traitors and other bitches getting into bed with busy guys. Is it really that hard to be honest and humanly break up when the relationship isn’t working out? Well, apparently not, because they want to find a plan B first, so that it doesn’t turn out that after parting, “there is nowhere to get wet”. Well, maybe strong words, but that’s the truth.
I don’t eat jam. She knew what she was doing when she was wandering around in Shakira’s clothes around her house and messing around with her man in her bed. And now panic attacks. I’m surprised he can look in the mirror. He has attacks because it came out, so that Germany would continue this practice.
now there are a lot of records that shakira and her husband were not a good couple. maybe he really loved the other one. Unfortunately, it often happens in life that the misfortune of others is the happiness of others. it’s sad but first let’s see if we are good people to judge everyone.