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Gérard Miller affair: how singer Lorie found herself involved


Le Parisien delivers the latest revelations from one of Gérard Miller’s victims.

Aude G returned to the aggression she experienced at the hands of the psychoanalyst 20 years ago.

Lorie’s name came up, much to her chagrin, in the context of this morals affair.


While Gerard Miller is accused of using his status to abuse many young women for years, One of the victims has just confided in the newspaper The Parisian. The latter, aged 17 at the time of the events while the psychoanalyst was 53, recalled this period which she had long left behind her.

In this story, the name of an artist has come up in spite of herself. Indeed, Lorie, who has nothing to do, neither near nor far, with this sordid story, was a support for the young victim at the time of the events. This is how this morning the journalists of Parisian revealed the story of Aude G. Very serious accusations against the former columnist of Laurent Ruquier.

The chilling story of one of Gérard Miller’s victims

Gerard Miller’s modus operandi was revealed a few months ago. At the time when the case concerning him broke in the media. Many people knew that the psychoanalyst had a rather unhealthy appetite for very young womenIn his fifties, he used his TV personality to attract young girls to his office or his mansion.

In any case, this is the story told by Aude G, who recalled to investigators the moments she spent with him. “I still remember his phone call coming to my room.” Now a mother, she fears confrontation with Gérard Miller. “The confrontation with him, the stage that scares me the most”. A moment she accepted on one condition. “On condition that he keeps his back turned, and that I don’t meet his gaze, I was told that it was possible.”

Lorie’s name strangely associated with this case

In all this story, the trigger for Aude G was a song written by the young woman, taking up the tune of a very popular piece by Lorie. The latter, who was very fashionable at the time, so saw his name come up in the context of a rather sordid affairThe victim has indeed delivered the few verses written, about twenty years ago, to the rhythm of Near me.

She told how this piece had come back to the surface. “I found it in a box while rummaging through my things after I filed my complaint. I realized that I still had this refrain in my head.” Before revealing them to justice. “Hey, Gerard/You look good at 53/Stop pretending to be a beginner/You know, just because you’re on TV/They’re not going to fall for you right away.” A sad affair whose outcome is awaited by the victims so that they can finally turn the page.

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