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Gérard Depardieu Status and Distinctions: French Legion of Honor, National Order of Quebec, and Honorary Citizen of the Belgian Commune Revoked

the essential Distinctions withdrawn in Belgium and Quebec, French Legion of Honor on hold, which he places “at the disposal” of the Minister of Culture… the status of Gérard Depardieu, indicted for rape for three years following accusations that he contests, is further debunked after the broadcast of the shocking documentary Complément d’investigation.

Since the French saw the shocking documentary Complément d’investigation dedicated to him, on France 2, on Thursday December 14, the status of Gérard Depardieu has been further debunked. In these images, the French actor, indicted for rape following a complaint from actress Charlotte Arnoud, multiplies misogynistic and insulting remarks while addressing women, not sparing a little girl with his obscene remarks. The day before the broadcast, actress Hélène Darras in turn filed a complaint against Gérard Depardieu for “sexual assault”.

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A pending Legion of Honor

For the moment, it is decoration in France that is the most talked about. Gérard Depardieu informed AFP on Saturday through his lawyers that he was placing his Legion of Honor “at the disposal” of the French Minister of Culture, Rima Abdul Malak, who announced the day before a disciplinary procedure which could lead to the withdrawal of this prestigious award.

Me Béatrice Geissmann Achille and Me Christian Saint-Palais also wonder in this press release if the minister “is not dealing (…) an additional blow to an already dying presumption of innocence”. His counsel also wonders whether it is Rima Abdul Malak’s “function” to participate “also actively in the manhunt” and the “media lynching” to which they believe their client is the subject. .

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“A council of the order of the Legion of Honor will meet and will initiate a disciplinary procedure to decide whether this Legion of Honor should be suspended or not, withdrawn completely or not. It will be up to them to decide,” he said. declared Friday Rima Abdul Malak on France 5. The Minister of Culture said she “exchanged” on the subject with the Grand Chancellor of the Legion of Honor, General Lecointre. She also said she was “disgusted”, during a trip on Friday, by the actor’s comments and attitude during a trip to North Korea in 2018, which are “shameful to France”.

Gérard Depardieu received the Legion of Honor from French President Jacques Chirac in 1996. The code of the Legion of Honor provides that “behavior contrary to honor” can lead to reprimand, suspension or exclusion. of the order.

The title of Knight of the National Order of Quebec withdrawn

Quebec Prime Minister François Legault followed the advice of his Council of the Order. “The scandalous remarks made by Gérard Depardieu in front of the cameras shocked the international public, with good reason. His behavior tarnishes the reputation of the members of the National Order of Quebec. I therefore took the decision to order his removal from the Order, effective immediately,” he declared this Thursday, December 14. This is a first across the Atlantic. The National Order of Quebec, created in 1985, is “the highest distinction awarded by the Quebec government”.

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The title of honorary citizen of the Belgian commune of Estaim then withdrawn

The comments made by Gérard Depardieu in the France 2 program “Complément d’investigation” “go against the values ​​advocated by the commune of Estaimpuis”. The French actor was stripped this Saturday of the title of honorary citizen of Estaimpuis, in Belgium, which had been awarded to him in the summer of 2013 when he resided there, announced the mayor and aldermen (deputies) of the municipality, this Saturday, December 16. It is in this town that the former sacred monster of cinema settled at the end of 2012, sparking strong criticism, up to the highest level of the State, over the supposed intention of escaping the tax system. French.

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Against a backdrop of growing controversy in France, several Belgian media have also reported in recent days the return of Gérard Depardieu to Belgium, still in the region of Tournai (west) near France, as in 2012-2013. The municipality of Tournai confirmed to AFP that the actor – who will be 75 at the end of December – lived in a house on the slopes of Mont-Saint-Aubert, a village which depends on this commune. He has been living there for around two months, according to the same source.

2023-12-17 08:06:18
#VIDEO #RECAP #Distinctions #withdrawn #pending #Gérard #Depardieu #shocking #documentary #Complément #dinvestigation #ended #debunking #actor

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