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Georgia, USA – Recommends prosecution for perjury

Last spring, a grand jury was assembled to investigate possible electoral fraud during the presidential election in Georgia in the United States in 2020. District Attorney Fani Willis published parts of the report with the jury’s conclusion on Thursday.

According to the report, the committee, consisting of 23 jurors, concluded that there was no widespread electoral fraud that could have overturned the presidential election in Georgia.

The jury must have concluded after a unanimous vote, writes CBS News.

However, the report states that a majority of the grand jury believes that false statements may have been given under oath by one or more witnesses. The jury therefore recommends that the district attorney bring charges in cases where it can be proven.

The jury was appointed in May last year and must have obtained information from 1 June until December, writes CBS News.

According to the news website, the jurors must have received evidence from 75 witnesses involved, a large majority of whom testified under oath. The witnesses are said to have been a collection of poll workers, investigators, technical experts, Georgia state employees, state officials and people who claim voter fraud took place.

All testified to the alleged electoral fraud.

According to CBS, a judge must have ordered the public prosecutor to make public parts of the report, including the part where the jury claims some witnesses may have lied under oath. The public part also contains the recommendation to bring charges.

As the jury has only functioned as an investigative body, they cannot issue indictments or charges, but only make recommendations to the prosecution.

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