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Georgia, USA: Eight people shot dead in three massage parlors

US state of Georgia
Eight people shot in three massage parlors – 21-year-old under suspicion

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See in the video: Eight dead after being shot in massage parlors – 21-year-old arrested.

Eight people were shot dead in a short space of time on Tuesday in the US state of Georgia. Four people died in an Asian massage parlor in Cherokee County, about 50 kilometers north of Atlanta. Four other people were shot dead in two Atlanta spas just an hour later. Six of the eight dead are said to be women of Asian descent. A good three hours after the incident, the police arrested a 21-year-old who is suspected of having been involved in the incident. According to media reports, there should be video recordings of the acts. But work is still being done to confirm that the cases are related, it said. Nothing has yet been known about a possible motive of the alleged perpetrator.


In the US state of Georgia, eight people were shot dead in three massage parlors within a short period of time. The police arrested a suspect just over three hours after the incident. The motif is puzzled.

Eight people were shot dead on Tuesday in three different massage parlors in the southern US state of Georgia within a short period of time. A good three hours after the incidents in and around the capital Atlanta, the police arrested a 21-year-old who is suspected to have been involved in the incidents, as US media reported, citing the police.

Four people died that afternoon (local time) in Cherokee County, around 50 kilometers north of Atlanta, in an Asian massage parlor. Four other people were shot dead in two Atlanta spas just an hour later. A motif has not yet been announced.

Police: Arrested “very likely” the perpetrator

The Atlanta police said that the detained man was “very likely” responsible for all three incidents, as the broadcaster CNN reported. Videos would prove that. Work is still in progress to confirm that all three cases are related, NBC News reported. At first it was said that there was no evidence that the incidents were related.

The four people killed in Atlanta were women who appeared to have Asian roots, NBC News and CNN reported. There was initially no information about the four Cherokee County victims.

On Tuesday afternoon (local time), Cherokee County police found two people shot dead and three injured in an Asian massage parlor (“Young’s Asian Massage”), CNN and NBC News reported, citing police. Two injured died in the hospital.

Less than an hour later, the police were called to a crime scene about 50 kilometers away in Atlanta because of a robbery – and discovered three people shot dead in a spa. Not far from there, across the street, another dead person was found in an aromatherapy spa, said Atlanta police chief Rodney Bryant.

A good three hours after the shooting in Cherokee County, the 21-year-old suspect was taken into custody about 150 miles south of Atlanta, the police said.


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