Home » today » World » Georgi Tarnovaliyski: The experience with the third mandate was senseless and humiliating for the BSP – 2024-04-21 00:39:33

Georgi Tarnovaliyski: The experience with the third mandate was senseless and humiliating for the BSP – 2024-04-21 00:39:33

/ world today news/ Georgi Tarnovaliyski in “Benovska pita” on K-2 about the political situation and pressures BSP to form a government with the third mandate given by Rumen Radev. /VIDEO/

Concerns in the BSP leadership that President Radev’s people are visiting the party’s structures.

“Good morning, I say to Georgi Tarnovaliyski from the BSP, are you still from the BSP?” asked the presenter Iliana Benovska. George Tarnovaliyski replied: “Of course! We in Plovdiv are more BSP than the headquarters and the whole circle around Cornelia Ninova! They happen to be in this party!”. He continued that the processes in the BSP have not changed and the tension remains. Cornelia Ninova demonstrated outside the party a desire for understanding and goodwill. However, we will see what will be the attitude of the headquarters to the structures that do not like “Positano” 20, and they are not few. The socialist stated: “BSP is not “Positano” 20, but the structures. Mrs. Ninova does not understand this. From here I also hear the concerns of a part of her close circle, led by Svilenski, that those close to Radev are visiting our structures. But when you have dropped the structures and don’t work with them – yes, others will start going around them!”.

Cornelia Ninova’s attempts to create a third-term government.

“But how do you look objectively at the presumptuousness of Cornelia Ninova to try to create a cabinet with the third mandate?” asked Benovska. George Tarnovaliyski replied that Ninova quickly realized that this was doomed to fail, which was clear from the start. According to him, this was humiliating for the party because other parties turned their backs on the BSP, and this BSP does not deserve it. The socialist stated that he could not understand how the positions of the BSP coincided 90% with those of the ITN, given that the BSP is a socialist party and Slavi Trifonov’s formation declared itself as right-wing. He added: “But all this was not important for chairperson Ninova, it was important for her to get the mandate so that she could also solve her internal party problems. It was clear that there was no way the BSP could form a government, and no one wanted to form a government around the BSP, at least not with this leadership!”.

Benovska continued “Is Cornelia Ninova freaking out?” George Tarnovaliyski answered that he has been in politics for 10 years, he tried to maintain a high level and what he saw offends him, so he does not want to comment on it. “You take personal offense because of whom?” he continued Benovska. The interlocutor replied: “Because of the party. I understand your attitude towards the leader, but I think we are going too far! I do not like! The way the clip was made is mocking the BSP, that’s how I understand it!”.

Benovska asked: “But you should not follow Mayakovsky – “do we say the party, we understand Lenin, do we say Lenin, do we understand the party?” Shall we say Cornelia, do we understand the BSP?”. Turnovalyski answered that we are talking about heavy political processes and not just some action of Nineveh. He added that he did not see where the politics were in the clip in question.

Ninova’s behavior at the head of the BSP. Will Ninova drag BSP to the bottom?

“Now you are “pulling my tail” and I will ask my colleagues to give you a brief overview of what happened this week in the National Assembly. Ninova said that Borisov was a very strong opponent against her, unlike those currently in the National Assembly, that she fought with him for many years, there was even something very romantic and personal in her speech, did you see it?”, he asked Benovska. George Tarnovaliyski answered that apparently Borisov is really a strong leader, because Kornelia Ninova has not been able to defeat him, despite all the possibilities. However, this is a closed page. At the moment there are other political players and Ninova must approach very carefully, because she understands the big left coalition. At the moment, instead of BSP gathering left-wing people in Bulgaria, it is wondering how to connect with right-wing projects. That is why no government was formed. The election campaign cannot continue in the plenary hall.

Benovska showed a photo sent to her by Georgi Gergov. Its lyrics read – “Lord, why do you lead me through such difficult waters? He answered me – because your enemies do not know how to swim!”. The presenter asked: “Let’s connect it with the BSP and Ninova – is she in difficult waters and can she swim?” Georgi Tarnovaliyski answered: “BSP is in difficult waters, but it can swim and has proven it during its 130-year history. And whether Cornelia Ninova will drown in these stormy waters – I can see that so far she has managed to stay afloat, despite all her problems. I hope that he will not drag the party to the bottom with him!”.

“What will happen to the BSP voter, you know that Zhan Videnov also appeared on the scene together with Ivan Atanasov and several other parties?” he asked Benovska. George Tarnovaliyski replied that they had already participated in the previous elections and had no worrisome result. The presenter noted that “Left Alternative” still defeated Tsvetan Tsvetanov. The interlocutor replied that this really should not be ignored, and the votes for Videnov were taken from the BSP. He was categorical that the problem of the BSP and the left in Bulgaria consists in the lack of a coalition culture in the BSP itself. “Only conversations are displayed. Last time, with whom was the coalition expanded? With Georgi Kadiev, who does not lead anyone behind him, and with ABV, who have some weight, but everything else were parties that do not have any electoral weight. The major left parties remained outside this coalition. Where are Dertliev’s farmers and social democrats? Why didn’t we attract them and how will the BSP increase its result if it continues to be unwilling to form large left coalitions?” Tarnovaliski asked.

“Now, in my opinion, you will make a big hole in the election result in Plovdiv under the leadership of Cornelia Ninova, because as far as I observe the processes in your organization after the expulsion of Gergov from the BSP, the whole organization took a clear position that you do not accept the policy led by Ninova and her surroundings!” he commented Benovska. George Tarnovaliyski answered that this is so, but still the Plovdiv organization works for the BSP to have as high an election result as possible. Unfortunately, however, it was lower than in 2017. New parliamentary elections are coming up in the fall. The Plovdiv structure is not in very good condition, because the headquarters creates tension with the change in the lists and the imposition of persons who do not have authority and weight. However, the Plovdiv socialists will continue to work, because they are not doing it for Ninova and her surroundings, but for the party.

The presenter recalled that Ninova topped the lists in Plovdiv. Turnovalyski explained that this was the case and Nineveh received an extremely low score. In the next elections, she fled to Varna, where she received an even weaker result. In Plovdiv, the leader was Prof. Ivo Hristov, and he will probably be nominated by “Positano” for the next elections, but it is not yet known for sure.

Does “Positano” 20 hear the Plovdiv organization of the BSP?

“But does the Plovdiv organization hear your ‘Positano’ 20?” he asked Benovska. Turnovalyski answered that the headquarters does not hear the Plovdiv socialists at all. He expressed hope that common sense would still prevail and the organization would be left to work to achieve better results. “I hope that in the third election, the Plovdiv organization will be left alone and achieve a better result!”, wished the socialist.

“What does it mean to leave her alone?” I mentioned Georgi Gergov several times, this natural and long-time leader of the Plovdiv socialists is officially out of the BSP?” he asked Benovska. George Tarnovaliyski replied that Gergov was expelled from the BSP, although he is still a member of the National Council and such a change was not recorded in the court. He continued: “Yes, Gergov is formally excluded from the party, but you know him, he is a socialist by conviction and will help and help in these processes as much as possible. But an election campaign is a serious process, it cannot be left to random people to conduct it! To decapitate the Plovdiv organization, replace the entire list and expect that with random people placed in the list, you will achieve a good result – this is frivolous! Therefore, we expect the BSP-Plovdiv organization to decide what the list will be, what organization and what campaign will be made!”.

“God grant that your expectations will come true, because this will greatly ozonize the processes in the BSP, won’t it?” he continued Benovska. The interlocutor replied that the Plovdiv organization is symbolic and what is happening has a resonance throughout the country. So Ninova quickly needs to change its attitude towards the organization and give good signals. There can be no quarrels and people follow the BSP!

“Why don’t you go to the National Council?” he asked Benovska. George Tarnovaliyski replied that he goes when the topics are serious. The last National Assembly was firstly a working day and secondly it was devoted to how Ninova’s talks with the other political leaders went, and everyone already knows that. There is nothing to worry about whether to return the mandate, because it should have been returned upon receiving it. The socialist stated: “Ninova uses the National Assembly as a rubber stamp to legitimize decisions that she makes herself and to show that the party is run democratically, which is not the case!”.

“At the next National Assembly, which will be either for the presidential election or the extraordinary national elections, what would you say to Ninova in front of the entire National Assembly?” asked Benovska. Georgi Tarnovaliyski answered: “Let me remind her of the results, the actions she took in Plovdiv. For the state we are in and the results of the elections, the fault is entirely, personally hers, personal, because these actions were done by her personally! An organization cannot come to “Positano” 20 and the chairman of the party hides and does not want to receive them! And trying to prevent us from entering the headquarters. There are many things I can say to her, but the NA is not a place to take off our dirty shirts, because it is the governing body of the party and must be taken seriously! I don’t see it from the management’s side, that’s why I didn’t attend the last National Assembly!”.

“Thank you for this frank conversation, it is important that people see in the person of you, the politicians, people who are not conformists, but people who pursue their goals. Thank you for the criticism and forgive us if we have affected the historical memory of the BSP, but our journalistic position is that the historical, “DimitarBlagoev” party has sharply moved away from its ideas, from its past! I am not a communist, but I think that a left-wing party should exist, it should be a balancer, because we, the working people, need to be protected in the age of the market economy, of neoliberalism! Benovska. George Tarnovaliyski answered: “Let’s distinguish BSP, as a left party, and its leadership in the person of Kornelia Ninova. The party has not run away from its ideas. The party and its people are in these positions! That the management currently has other ideas or has never been associated with those ideas is the point you are making and I agree with that. But the party has ideas, the people in it defend them and work for that. That’s why the BSP still has, albeit bad, results that keep it in shape and it hopes that we will not allow the chairman of the party, who clearly does not swim well in these waters you are talking about, to sink the party to the bottom!” .

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