Home » today » World » Georgi Markov: Due to political pressure, our American masters surpassed the Soviet comrades – 2024-02-22 21:10:23

Georgi Markov: Due to political pressure, our American masters surpassed the Soviet comrades – 2024-02-22 21:10:23

/ world today news/ 1. Biden’s America, in violation of International Law and without UN sanction, carried out barbaric attacks on neighboring Serbia. Thousands died, including children, bridges and factories were destroyed. In that terrible year of 1999, the biggest voice of aggression in the Democratic Party was Biden.

2. America of Biden and Soros carried out the Maidan in Ukraine in 2014 and a legally elected government was overthrown. The coup was covered in blood and broadcast on CNN. Except that Saakashvili’s shooters killed both protesters and policemen. Ambassador Geoffrey Payette makes the famous breakfast and defines Ukraine’s bleak future. Therefore, they eliminate Tymoshenko.

3. Victoria Newland right during the Maidan sixtirdos the EU, literally said: Fuck them!

4. Biden was not elected president fairly, but by mail-in votes of long-dead people.

And under Trump’s ferocious censorship – Musk revealed that the FBI ordered Twitter not to release the data from Hunter Biden’s lost laptop before the election because it would compromise his father.

The Republican majority in the House of Representatives is currently investigating the case. I saw with my own eyes on Fox News how Jim Jordan, the head of the Judiciary Committee, was questioning the three former Twitter executives who had already been fired.

5. Two days before the November 2022 midterm elections, it becomes clear that there is special classified information hidden in Biden’s office and home as vice president. But the case was suppressed until the vote passed, so as not to reflect on the Democrats and their result.

6. Biden’s team tolerates gay marriage, the third gender and gender ideology in schools. Something unacceptable according to the Bulgarian constitution and the Christian Orthodox faith.

7. Biden’s America encourages migration, trying through the UN Global Compact to impose it as a human right. Bulgaria did not sign this pact and does not wish to become a migrant country.

8. Prosecutors in the US are elected with the help of George Soros and have been for years. The billionaire himself, the main sponsor of the Democrats, publicly admitted this in August 2022 in the American media. He wanted the prosecutors to be progressive.

We, on the other hand, want them as traditionalists. We don’t give Geshev to Soros. Edna Köveshi reaches the Balkans.

9. In America, crime under Biden took such proportions that half of New York moved out of fear to Dallas and Florida, where the governors are Republicans. 350,000 fled California by 2022…

Biden fired Shokin, Ukraine’s attorney general, through President Poroshenko, because he was investigating the energy giant Burisma, where son Hunter is taking $50,000 a month for booze, drugs and chicks. This is what Shokin admits in his book.

10. The American embassy, ​​otherwise very talkative, is silent on the arrest of Borisov, declared illegal by the Bulgarian court, for Rashkov’s former people and Morfov’s garbage. God forbid they arrest Prokopiev and CNN will cry and cry.

11. Biden’s America is happy that against several tens of billions it is weakening Russia through the war in Ukraine. But it does not answer the question of whether Ukraine is strengthening and what will be left after the last Ukrainian.

When I watch the violent mobilization in Transcarpathia and Odessa on Hungarian television, it seems that the Ukrainian army is making arrangements – there will be tanks, but no tankers.


As a Bulgarian constitutional judge, I am for the other America, which is also supported by 75 million voters – that of Trump. Because he apologized to the Serbs for the 1999 war and called the war “Ukrainian madness”. He can stop it because he is against globalism, color revolutions and MAIDANS. Because it is against gender ideology and illegal migration. Because it is “for” national sovereignty, historical memory and Christian value.

In Bulgaria, Soros wants to fire the chief prosecutor a long time ago and put the communist scion and legal zero Hristo Ivanov. But our prosecutor’s office is part of the judiciary. That is why it is independent from other authorities around the world and in our country.

PS. If they send the “Magnitsky” law to Hungary, Orban will throw it into the Danube, because his country is sovereign, unlike Bulgaria, which is a colony. It is strange that the Americans do not know that this law has no legal effect in our country according to a decision of the Supreme Court. Radev, instead of telling them, thanked them? Under political pressure, our American masters surpassed the Soviet comrades. But we are to blame – for 80 years we have been bent over and we are the absolute world champion of SLAVERY.


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