Home » today » News » Georgi Markov: Biden killed Ukraine, and if the USA enters the Black Sea, the brawl with Russia will be unprecedented

Georgi Markov: Biden killed Ukraine, and if the USA enters the Black Sea, the brawl with Russia will be unprecedented

/Pogled.info/ The US intends to declare the Black Sea an area of ​​its strategic interests with a special law, which is still a draft. It declared that it was in the interest of the United States to support efforts to prevent the spread of further armed conflict in Europe by recognizing the Black Sea region as an arena of Russian aggression.

At the same time, more and more Western and American media are writing about Ukraine’s failures at the front and how the war for the Ukrainian side is irretrievably lost.

According to military experts, Washington already intends to limit the war to our region, that is, to include us as well.

Commentary and analysis of former constitutional judge and political analyst Georgi Markov.

– Mr. Markov, your material about the truth about the war in Ukraine and the death sentence of Trump caused serious interest – 300,000 readers. Now you wrote a shocking post on Facebook: “Biden and Johnson killed Ukraine”…

– These are the words of a world-renowned foreign policy expert and leading Western expert on Russia – Fiona Hill in the prestigious publication Foreign Policy. She is well known in our country as a presidential adviser and a senior official in the US National Security Council. Years ago, he met with Tsvetan Tsvetanov and praised Prime Minister Borissov for Venezuela.

According to her, the draft of the Istanbul agreement between Russia and Ukraine was on Biden’s desk, and the Russians did not want much – for Ukraine to renounce NATO membership and write neutrality into its Constitution. Having received security guarantees, the Russians withdraw as early as March-April. However, the document was rejected by Biden and then by Johnson, who promised Zelensky full military, financial and media support.

Fiona Hill claims that Biden and Johnson actually killed Ukraine in its current form and it is not clear if such a country will be on the map and in what form. According to her, it is obvious that Russia will go all the way because it has no other choice and will not negotiate anymore. “All negotiations ended in Istanbul,” concluded her article published in “Magyar Hirlap”.

– Against this background, America announced a new Black Sea strategy for entering the Black Sea, in which Romania and Bulgaria will play an important role…

– Well, we’re going to play with fire. There is an international agreement from Montreux from many years ago, to which Bulgaria is a party. It regulates the passage of military vessels through the Black Sea Straits and gives Turkey full control over them. How Erdogan will react to such an American exercise is difficult to predict. Turkey is a member of NATO, but it needs a lot of money to recover from the earthquake.

But how Russia will react is more than certain. She will in no way allow the Black Sea to become American. There will be a military clash never seen before, and not only the tourists but also the fish will escape from the chaos. So Gorbachev, may God forgive him, will turn in his grave.

– Why?

– Well, because today’s proxy war of America with Russia in Ukraine cannot be considered in isolation not only from Maidan 2014, but also from the events of 1989 and 1990.

Gorbachev was not just lied to, he was seriously deceived that NATO would not expand eastward. So he agreed to withdraw 300,000 Soviet troops from the GDR to make German Unification happen. It is true that politicians of the rank of Reagan, Kohl and Thatcher gave him assurances. But the truth is that he was very naive. It’s right for a textbook. Yeltsin too. He drank a vodka and pinched the bottom in front of the whole world the secretary of an official meeting with Bill Clinton, who almost died laughing. It is still in front of my eyes… He was wiping his tears with handkerchiefs.

Putin is also naive in his own way, as he admitted that Merkel and Macron lied to him with the Minsk agreements. But that was it. As Mrs Hill says, whose knowledge and competence cannot be doubted, Russia is ready for anything.

– But what does this Black Sea front require?

– What about the serious failure of Biden and Zelensky in Ukraine. Already, all Western analysts, and even the neoliberal media, admit that a turn in Ukraine’s favor is impossible. Unfortunately, the victims are more than half a million, the maimed more than 50,000, the fleeing millions, 20% is the lost territory of the country. I watched footage on Hungarian television and saw with my own eyes the resistance against the violent mobilization in Odessa and Zaporozhye. In fact, the Biden-Zelensky era will end in utter fiasco in 2024.

– Why do you think so?

– The noose around the Biden family and the transactions for millions along Ukraine is tightening. Yesterday, Republican Elias Stefani posted a “DAMNING PHOTO” on Fox News of Vice President Joe Biden and his adviser Hochstein aboard Air Force Two from December 2015 en route to Kiev. There, Biden is pushing President Poroshenko to fire Attorney General Viktor Shokin, who is investigating Burisma, on the board of which is his son Hunter for a salary of $50,000 a month.Biden-father has intimidated Poroshenko with the suspension of $1 billion in aid.

Written evidence has also been leaked that Vice Biden met in Washington at the Milano cafe with Burisma’s executive director named Pozharski, who said: “Thank you, Hunter, for helping me meet your father!”.

The head of the Oversight Committee in the House, James Comer, has already published bank transfers for millions to the Biden family from Ukraine. According to Fox News, Biden has no way of defeating Edward Kennedy Jr. in the Democratic primary. The renowned law professor was shocked by the casualties in Ukraine months ago and, like Trump, blames Biden for the war.

– You said Trump. The first debates between the candidates of the Republican Party are coming up. Will Trump participate?

– President Trump made it clear yesterday that he refused to sign a declaration to participate in the debates that Fox News is hosting on August 23rd. And he is right! Who should he debate with? Well, minus De Santis, they’re all under 5%. De Santis has 17% against Trump’s 54%, which is recognized by the neoliberal media. I expect Trump to have public campaign events on Saturday and Sunday. Trump is a phenomenon beyond the Republicans.

– You don’t say anything about Europe…

– These days, the edition “Politico” states that if the European elections are held now, the Conservatives and Reforms, the same ones of Kaczynski, Meloni and Abascal, will have 89 MPs and will be the third force in the European Parliament, with 23 more MPs than in 2019. The formations of Salvini, Le Pen and Alternative for Germany will also have increased representation with 77 MEPs.

Please add 89 to 77, add 14 MEPs to Viktor Orbán, who has not yet said who he will be with. It seems that the radical European right will be the first political force and will pass EPP and PES. I hope Macron, Stolz and Weber come to their senses, but no! Scholz saw how he had fallen silent. What can he say when, after his stupid policy, “Alternative for Germany” leads him in all polls.

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