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Georgi Markov: An important day for Europe! The right-wingers of 6 countries have united

Georgi Markov

The right-wingers of Poland, Austria and Hungary have merged with those of France, Italy and Spain

Friends, July 2, 2021 turned out to be an important day in the political life of Europe. I knew months ago that there would be a new right-wing alliance on the Old Continent and this is already a fact, former constitutional judge Georgi Markov wrote on Facebook. And continues:

The ruling party in Poland, Law and Justice, Kaczynski, the ruling party in Hungary, Fidesz, Orbán, the Freedom Party in Austria, which is the main opposition force, Salvini’s League Party and the Italian Brotherhood have united. Meloni, who will rule Italy soon, Marin Le Pen’s National Assembly party in France, and Santiago Abascal’s Vox party in Spain, without which Madrid would not be ruled by the right. The Danish People’s Party, the Finns and another 16 formations also joined.
The new alliance is for a strong EU of nation states, not for the European United States and a super-state of Brussels. They will uphold the national identity of each country, Christian values, traditional marriage. They strongly oppose the Islamization of Europe, the “knife migration,” gender ideology, and attempts by neoliberal governments to wave the “rule of law” against conservative governments simply because they are Christian.
The new alliance is a great credit to Victor Orban, who mediated between Kaczynski, Salvini and Le Pen. The formation has 117 MEPs and becomes the third largest in the EP. It will soon become the second largest after it is joined by Alternative for Germany, the Swedish Democrats, the Wilders Party, and the Netherlands.
PS: I saw on television the teams of Belgium and Italy kneel in support of the fight against racism. We will wait to see if they will not kneel in memory of the 13-year-old girl who was killed a few days ago after a severe rape in Austria by two Afghan sadistic migrants, Georgi Markov concludes.

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