Home » today » World » Georgi Dimitrov and the guard dogs – 2024-03-02 22:29:33

Georgi Dimitrov and the guard dogs – 2024-03-02 22:29:33

/ world today news/ Before democracy came, in Dimitrovgrad there was a famous monument to the Hero from Leipzig Georgi Dimitrov. It was dismantled in 1991. Do you know where it is dumped now? Under piles of dirt from dog-breeding buildings. On June 17 of this year local representatives of BAS and BSP at a meeting for the 140th anniversary of Dimitrov’s birth again insisted that the monument be restored to its place, for which there has been a decision of the Municipal Council since 2012 – unfulfilled until now!

When we talk about a historical figure of the magnitude of Georgi Dimitrov – the man who was the first in the world to declare a fight against fascism and denounce its essence, we cannot consider the topic outside the context of what happened in Bulgaria in the last 32 years. It is not only about the destruction of the economy and agriculture in the country, but above all – about the replacement of thinking, about the erasure of the memory of the nation, carried out methodically and purposefully under a foreign dictate and in a foreign interest. Successfully. If 30 years ago every child knew what the Leipzig trial was and who Georgi Dimitrov was, today freshman students look at you confused and shrug their shoulders when you ask them a question about it. Because the RIGHT attitude in the course of the new value system is for no one to remember this. During all 32 years, the left in our country did not oppose the replacement of history, did not oppose the massive attempts to denigrate its past. Do you remember how not so long ago on BNT we were shown Dimitrov with a damajana in his hands, singing a pub song? It was serving the story in an unconventional way! They took his body out of the mausoleum, then blew up (!) the mausoleum itself, while at the same time NATO bombed Belgrade… They changed street signs bearing his name, dismantled his monuments, covered them with paint and scratched swastikas on the stone. They distorted his biography, outright lies made him a caricature and a demon of “communism”, a traitor to Bulgaria. And these days, again, “mastite scientists” flooded the airwaves with rumors that he had planted Macedonianism in our country, not caring that they also attributed it to him, and he was still in the Moabite prison at that time; that the BKP leadership in Moscow boycotted the meeting of the Comintern on the Macedonian question and that Dimitrov did absolutely nothing to implement this decision of the Comintern, dissolved in 1943; that it was Dimitrov during his lifetime who managed to oppose Tito, the winner of the Second World War, and his plans for the Macedonianization of the Pirin region. For those who sided with Hitler and brought Bulgaria to a catastrophe, there is no bad word, and for those who, at the cost of painful concessions, managed to protect Bulgaria’s borders – buckets of slop.

But the state and the nation are destroyed not so much by killing the economy as by education. An economy can be revived, albeit with infinite difficulty, but the pogrom in education inflicts long-lasting and incurable wounds. That is why the curricula of the history of Bulgaria in schools had to be shortened. With the help of Sorosoid scoundrels, supported by our Ministry of Education, various “trifles” such as the September Uprising or the Leipzig Trial, that June 9 coup and those pogroms of 1923-1925, massacred, enraged, suffocated thousands of farmers and communists, dozens of politicians and intellectuals like Geo and Herbst! This copying of history was done by the right-wing governments and especially by GERB after 2015. And anyone who mentions the facts thrown out of history is not a European, but a communist instigator. See the topics in the history curriculum for grades VII and X – in which the past of Bulgaria is studied. The entire period “between the two world wars” is presented truncated, in accordance with the new ideological schemes. No accession to Hitler’s Reich, no Law of the Nation, no Resistance, no occupation corps in Serbia, no partisans, 12,000 slaughtered hawks, hawks, who is fighting whom, no victory of the Red Army over Nazism! In the seventh grade, the child is required by the streamlined formulation to “give examples of internal political conflicts and oppositions in the 1920s and 1930s.” In the tenth grade, the entire tragedy of the period up to 1944 in the history of our country is outlined between two topics: “Left political radicalism” and “The crisis of democracy, the coup of May 19, 1934 and the non-party regime.” The new concepts that the students have to learn are: “Communist International, Terror, Assassination, Non-Party Regime”. Apparently, the left-wing radicals have cut Stamboliyski to pieces and a great democracy was in turmoil during the time of Alexander Tsankov Krvoloka! Previously, in class X, at least Nazism and the theory of the “pure race” were studied. They are no longer studied. Well, there is no other country that has gone so far as to be ashamed of its struggle against fascism! The authors of the textbooks were free to develop the set ideological themes, and the teachers would find the balance. This balance led to the ridiculousness in the history textbooks since 2001, when Georgi Dimitrov appeared with a single photo as a “member of the Central Committee of the BKP (t.s.)” – without an explanation that the BRSDP (t.s.) became the BKP at the end of May 1919. And that’s it – neither who Dimitrov is, nor why his photo is included. Not a single letter about the Leipzig trial.

There is no national education system where knowledge of history is left to the haphazard intervention of the teacher or the family. To this day, the whole world is hiding the most famous Bulgarian – Georgi Dimitrov, in many countries – even in Africa, there are his monuments and streets that bear his name. There is even a Georgi Dimitrov museum in Leipzig! And a few days ago, on June 17 of this year, people even from Brazil came to honor his anniversary in front of his monument in Moscow. And in our country, Dimitrov has been banished from mass public consciousness, and knowledge of him has become an aprocrypha. And the Leipzig trial disappeared from our consciousness of the peaks in our history. Never mind that back then, in 1933, the world rose up against the unjustly accused Bulgarians and a London counter-trial was convened in their defense, and today throughout Europe and the world Dimitrov is recognized as a great intellectual and politician of the 20th century, and his speech in Leipzig continues to be one of the peaks in the battles against fascism. So much so that when in 2014 the mayor of the French city of Saint-Cyr-l’Ecole decided to rename the street “Georgi Dimitrov”, the local residents objected and did not allow it to be done. Go to the museum in Leipzig and see the emphasis placed on the fact that Dimitrov organized in Amsterdam the European congress on culture against the war…

Minister Nikolay Denkov, now retired, announced his intention to revise all curricula in all subjects in the summer. And on this occasion, this week announced the results of surveys among teachers. Among the responses of the teachers – at least according to the Ministry of Education and Culture, there is no demand to return history to the subject of history, to correct vandalism in the curriculum. For the initial course only, they proposed that the study of personalities end with the heroes until the Liberation. Are the teachers afraid of violating the “correct” line drawn from above, or are they already so used to the implanted line of de-Bulgarization that it no longer makes an impression on them?

Returning to the monument in Dimitrovgrad, overwhelmed by buildings for breeding dogs, I think of a book by the director of “LeMond Diplomatic” Serge Alimi, published in our country in 2008. Its title is “The New Guard Dogs”. The theme is that print and electronic media are dominated by servile journalism, industrial and financial groupings, market thinking, networks of connections. The “correct” information is presented, ridiculous celebrities, artificial clashes, mutual favors. Omnipresent journalists, whose power is backed by the law of silence, impose the definitions, and the profession becomes increasingly vulnerable due to the fear of being thrown out onto the street and unemployment. These law enforcers are the new watchdogs of our political and economic system. They have appeared and are wagging their tails in our country for three decades now, since even in our Ministry of Education they believe that “the word Motherland is loaded with negative connotations.”

Text for the BAS and BSP conferenceSofia for the 140th anniversary of Dimitrov’s birth, June 23, 2022.

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