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Georges-Louis Bouchez tempers Bart De Wever’s exit: “We have to keep a cool head”

N-VA President Bart de Wever announced on Saturday that he was making the issue a breaking point in the context of the formation of a federal government.

Lhe chairman of the MR Georges-Louis Bouchez reminded Sunday on the RTBF that the freedom to vote on ethical issues, and therefore on the bill aimed at completely decriminalizing abortion, remained applicable to the Liberals. Group leader of the Open Vld Chamber Vincent Van Quickenborne made similar comments as early as Friday on the VRT.

N-VA President Bart de Wever announced on Saturday that he was making the issue a breaking point in the context of the formation of a federal government. The CD&V had already announced a similar intention two weeks ago.

No rule change

“The rule that was valid a fortnight ago remains today,” said Georges-Louis Bouchez on Sunday. “We had a parliamentary process that lasted over a year. There were three references to the Council of State, two debates in committee and two debates in plenary session. So it’s time to vote. And on ethical issues, the Reform Movement leaves freedom to its parliamentarians. “

The presidents of the liberal parties, Georges-Louis Bouchez (MR) and Egbert Lachaert (Open Vld), try with the president of the CD&V Joachim Coens to mount a majority called “Arizona” at the federal level. This would bring together these three parties, as well as the N-VA, the sp.a and the cdH.

A vote next week?

The vote expected next week in the House on the law fully decriminalizing abortion tenses potential partners. After the CD&V, the N-VA in turn announced on Saturday that it was making it a government matter. “I can tell you that if parties give the green light to a law that I find scandalous, it will be difficult to pretend that nothing is with them the next day,” said Flemish nationalist president Bart De Wever at VRT.

Sunday, the president of the MR made a point of nuancing this exit. “It’s been a year and a half that there has always been one or the other who made a somewhat strong statement. You have to keep a cool head. There is a good dynamic that is being put in place as part of the formation of the government, ”reacted Georges-Louis Bouchez.

Liberals under pressure

The Liberals are under pressure, however. “Remember that there are two possible coalitions without the CD&V and without the N-VA.

Liberal colleagues, will you be intimidated for a long time? ”Asked the chairman of DéFI François De Smet on Twitter.

In the north of the country, Vlaams Belang, also opposed to the proposed law, suggested that the Flemish Parliament introduce a conflict of interest. However, it is unlikely that this procedure will succeed because it requires the assent of three quarters of the deputies. It should indeed obtain the approval of the three Flemish parties opposed to the text (CD&V, N-VA and Vlaams Belang)… and of all the Open Vld elected representatives in the regional parliament. The aim is to introduce a community dimension to this dossier, the Flemish nationalist deputies recalling that the bill does not obtain a majority in the Dutch language group.

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